Monday, December 7, 2015

U.S. Intel Report To President Obama: Islamic State Is Winning

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast: U.S. Intel to Obama: ISIS Is Not Contained

A new report stands in stark contrast to earlier White House assurances that ISIS had been ‘contained.’ And it is already spurring changes in how the U.S. grapples with ISIS.

A new U.S. intelligence report on ISIS, commissioned by the White House, predicts that the self-proclaimed Islamic State will spread worldwide and grow in numbers, unless it suffers a significant loss of territory on the battlefield in Iraq and Syria, U.S. officials told The Daily Beast.

The report stands in stark contrast to earlier White House assurances that ISIS had been “contained” in Iraq and Syria. And it is already spurring changes in how the U.S. grapples with ISIS, these officials said.

It’s also a tacit admission that coalition efforts so far—dropping thousands of bombs and deploying 3,500 U.S. troops as well as other coalition trainers—have been outpaced by ISIS’s ability to expand and attract new followers, even as the yearlong coalition air campaign has helped local forces drive ISIS out of parts of Iraq and Syria.

WNU Editor: If this report is true .... and no official copy of this intel report has been released .... it completely contradicts the President's message. The U.S. intel community is clearly worried and they are now voicing their concerns publicly (albeit anonymously). This revelation/leak also explains to me why the highest-ranking Democrat on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee (Senator Feinstein) has been raising her concerns on the growth of ISIS in the past few weeks .... Highest-Ranking Democrat On The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee: 'Islamic State is Now In 12 Countries'.

Update: White House Commissioned Report Predicts Islamic State Could Spread Worldwide (Washington Free Beacon).

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