Friday, December 18, 2015

U.S. Promises To Arm The Kurds

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are seen during the battle with Islamic State militants on the outskirts of Mosul January 21, 2015. Kurdish forces in northern Iraq said on Wednesday they had cleared Islamic State insurgents from nearly 500 square kilometres of territory and broken a key IS supply line between the city of Mosul and strongholds to the west near Syria. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari

Radio Free Europe: U.S. To Provide Arms Soon To Iraqi Kurds To Fight IS

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited Irbil, the capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, December 17 as part of a weeklong, unannounced trip to Iraq.

He met with the Kurdish region's President Masud Barzani and commanders within the U.S.-led coalition that is fighting Islamic State (IS) militants.

He later met with U.S. special operations forces and had dinner with U.S. troops.

Carter said Barzani assured him that Kurdish forces will participate in the coalition's effort to encircle IS and retake Mosul, which IS has held since last year.

WNU Editor: This promise of arms contradicts what the US Defense Secretary was only saying yesterday .... Defense secretary praises Kurds but signals no direct arms (The Hill).

More News On The U.S. Promising To Arm The Kurds

Defense Secretary Carter vows to arm Kurdish brigades for upcoming Battle of Mosul -- Military Times
US to Arm 2 Kurdish Brigades to Help Retake Mosul -- Sputnik
The Fight Against ISIS In Iraq: Wider Anti-Islamic State US Role Sought By Ash Carter During Visit To Middle Eastern County -- IBTimes
Commander: Peshmerga don't have enough weapons in ISIS fight -- The Hill


Unknown said...

There is no contradiction.

For a promise to be considered kept, it has only to be kept as long as a 24 hour news cycle.

Saying whatever is needed to keep the poll #s up is the important thing.

President Obama Job Approval

Herr Obama is tanking.


But we already know the tone deaf B___________,will come out with gun control proposal after the Hawaii vacation. It is all over the news.

Don Bacon said...

The Kurds have little interest in taking Mosul, an Arab city. Plus the Iraq government has little interest in armed Kurds, except to avoid the possibility. Other than that the US has a valid strategy, with the biologist Carter finding out where the bugs are -- the hard way.
The US just can't manage the world very well any longer. Pity.

RRH said...

You shouldn't be so hard on your President Aizino. He's working night and day to keep you safe. I wish someone loved me enough to give me a cell phone.

You're just spoiled.😁

I love it. Push gun control on U.S. citizens while air dropping guns to Islamo-mutant cannibal headchoppers.

If he were any funnier he'd be... Justin Trudeau!!

James said...

Heh, that's pretty good.