Saturday, December 19, 2015

Will The U.S. Arms Deal To Taiwan Dissuade China's Ambitions In The Region?

Soldiers fire M115 203mm howitzers during the annual Han Kuang military exercise in Kinmen, Taiwan, September 8, 2015. REUTERS/PICHI CHUANG/FILES

Reuters: Taiwan arms deal enough to give China bloody nose, but no more

A new U.S. arms package for Taiwan will help boost the self-ruled island's ability to inflict a bloody nose on China in the attempt of an attack, enough to make Beijing think twice before any military adventure.

But Taiwan, which is expected to vote in a new government next month less friendly to China, needs advanced weapons such as the latest fighter jets or submarine-making technology if it stands a chance of holding off a concerted Chinese assault before U.S. forces come to the rescue.

"The idea is to complicate China's scenarios, to make them pause, to get them to think twice before they attack," said Rupert Hammond-Chambers, president of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council.

Previous Post: White House Authorizes Massive Arms Sale To Taiwan

WNU Editor: This U.S. arms sale to Taiwan is not even close to what is necessary to dissuade China from thinking that an invasion/blockade of Taiwan can be done successfully. This is all theatre .... to quite critics that President Obama's pivot to Asia is more talk than substance.

1 comment:

RRH said...

Sell away. Taiwan as played today, is an imperialist construct soon to be past tense. Let's just start calling it Taiwan Province of the People's Republic of China right now. Less teeth grinding that way.

Speaking of language. Did you see this? A perfect addition to this week's theatre of the weird and ridiculous.

An Armenian and a Georgian declaring their loyalty to the (newly russophobic) Ukraine, while casting aspersions on each other's character... all in Russian. Of course, the irony, like the cookie, is wasted on them.