Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Iraq's Oldest Catholic Monastery Has Been Utterly Destroyed By The Islamic State

Daily Mail/AP: Iraq's oldest Christian monastery that has stood for 1,400 years is destroyed in seconds: Satellite image reveals how ISIS reduced sacred site to rubble

* Dair Mar Elia, known as St. Elijah's Monastery in English, has been completely levelled by ISIS
* The monastery, located south of Mosul, northern Iraq, was built in the 600s, making it 1,400 years old
* It was Iraq's oldest Christian monastery and had recently functioned as a place of worship for U.S. troops

The oldest Christian monastery in Iraq, which had survived for more than 1,400 years, has been reduced to a field of rubble by ISIS fighters, satellite images confirm.

St. Elijah's Monastery, south of Mosul, northern Iraq, has been completely wiped out by the Islamist terrorist, joining a list of dozens of historical and religious sites purposely destroyed by the group.

Experts believe ISIS fighters would have used every measure available to destroy the monastery, which had most recently served as a place of worship for U.S. troops, including bulldozers, sledgehammers and possibly explosives.

Read more ....

More News On Reports That Iraq's Oldest Catholic Monastery Has Been Destroyed By The Islamic State

Isis 'to eliminate Christianity from Iraq': 1,400-year-old St Elijah's Monastery of Mosul flattened -- IBTimes
ISIS destroys Iraq's oldest Christian monastery, satellite photos confirm -- FOX News/AP
ISIS destroys 1,400-year-old Mosul monastery -- RUDAW


Don Bacon said...

AP doesn't cover the various villages, cities etc. that the US and its allies have reduced to rubble.

Caecus said...

Probably because no villages or cities have been reduced to rubble by the coalition, which uses strict ROEs and many flights return without even dropping any ordnance.

Jay Farquharson said...

Might want to check out footage of Ramadi, there's not much left.

Some of that is from the initial ISIS conquest of the city, some from the destruction ISIS deliberately did during their occupation, some of it is from OIR airstrikes, some of it is from the battle to take the city.

OIR airstrikes are not a clean and precise as they would have you belive.

While the OIR "official" stat's claim that only 6 civillians were killed in their 2015 bombing campaign in Syria, ( Doug, Doug and the other brother Doug),

Other sources put the number higher,

It's also unclear what the ROE is on picking targets and the reasoning behind it, as in early summer, OIR conducted airstrikes on a power plant and water treatment facility in an ISIS dominated area of Aleppo, ( that "shared" clean water and electricity with the rest of the city, including al Nusra, Ansar al Sharm and Assad Regime held areas), but did not target an ISIS held refinery just east of the city, until months later and in response to the Russian shaming over oil smuggling.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link Jay. I have been thinking about posting on the destruction in Ramadi for the past few days. But you just convinced me that it should be done.

RRH said...

How about Gaza?



Oh, that's right, the IDF is not officially part of the "coalition".

Oh, that's right, Libya was a "different" coalition. So was Iraq.

I'm just so behind on my anti-terror- humano-interventions.

RRH said...

Now Jay,

How many times have I told you about posting all that fact stuff on here? You're put someone into a high fallutin moral indignation induced seizure or something. You know full well only "we" play by "the rules" while all those nasty Mongol Wogs run around a bombin' and a shootin' up everything and everybody in sight.

RRH said...

And you know how I know that? Cuz my ex Mother in law told me after she saw it on Regis and Kathy Lee.

And who are you next to them?

hurhur said...

RRH, trying so hard with that 'witty sarcasm' of urs. remember, simplicity is key.

i think i've figured some of u guys out:

1.undying hatred of: usa, christianity, israel, entity that fights islam, etc..

2.undying love for: anything opposing the aforementioned even if its brutally evil and openly responsible for the death/rape/destruction of anything not screaming allah drk drka muhamed jirherd....

simply: there is no equating isis tactics with coalition tactics, one is of pure evil and the other is a response to its existence as being evil and deserved of obliteration. they would have you believe it but realize no amount of mis placed "facts" can take away from this clear distinction between true evil and the response to it.

also: war is not pretty or "clean" or anything close to civilized. rules? innocent people die too, especially when the enemy uses them as shields to hide behind.

it dont geet much simpler than this i reckon

Jay Farquharson said...

Sorry hurhur,

You havn't figured anything out.

Speaking for myself, probably Don and RRH,

#1 rule = Don't do stupid shit.

#2 rule = if it's not yours, don't break it.

#3 rule = if you are in a hole, stop digging.

#4 rule = the world is a complex place, if you havn't figured out all the angles, spend more time figuring stuff out.

#5 rule = quite often, the enemy of your enemy, is still your enemy.

#6 rule = all lives matter, not just American's.

#7 rule = People get the Government they deserve, thus Bush, Blair, Harper, and it's up to them to change it.

#8 rule = Democracy cannot be imposed. it has to be an evolutionary product based on local reforms, can take hundreds of years, and probably won't wind up looking like yours.

#9 rule = all Politicians, Governments, Military, Police and Corporations lie, when convenient.

There are many, many more rules.