Saturday, January 16, 2016

Is President Obama Entrusting His National Security Legacy To Special Ops?

Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast: Obama Turns to Special Ops to Salvage His Legacy

Time and again, Barack Obama has turned to a small cadre of elite troops in the most important moments of his presidency. Can they do it one more time?
Elite U.S. commandos are now in position in Iraq, northern Syria and beyond, ready to raid against the so-called Islamic State just as the White House has nominated a top special operations general to take charge of the ISIS fight.

Gen. Joseph Votel, who now heads American special operations forces, will take over U.S. Central Command, replacing Gen. Lloyd Austin if confirmed by the Senate. Votel, 57, previously ran the Joint Special Operations Command, the elite counterterrorist unit behind the new U.S. strike force in Iraq. Those JSOC operators are also working with rebel forces in Syria, as part of their widening footprint across the Mideast and Africa.

Votel’s appointment and the deployment of JSOC to spearhead the ISIS campaign shows that President Barack Obama is entrusting his national security legacy to the same elite group that killed Osama bin Laden—an achievement he made sure to mention in his last-ever State of the Union address.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The problem with such a strategy is that it is not enough to resolve the conflict .... but at best it only maintains the status quo .... which is probably the strategy to begin with.


Unknown said...

Knight were defeated by the Swiss.

Rinse repeat.

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

JSOC numbers a little over 70,000 members, making that so called " small" branch alone larger than 112 other Countires entire militaries.

It's not "small" by any measure.