Sunday, January 17, 2016

Russia's Deployment Of S-400 Missile Batteries In Kaliningrad Will Make The Baltics A No-Go Zone In The Event Of War

Foxtrot-Alpha: Russia's Buildup Of S-400 Missile Batteries In Kaliningrad Is Freaking Out NATO

The same air defense system that has seemingly kept coalition fighters out of western Syria is now being installed in the heart of Europe, at Russia’s Baltic Sea enclave of Kaliningrad. Russia’s setting up surface-to-air missile systems in their territory is nothing new, but the S-400's long-range and effectiveness is.

The S-400 (NATO code name SA-21 Growler) is very much a wide-area, anti-access, area-denial (A2/AD) system. It has the ability threaten enemy aircraft within a 250 mile radius of its location. Because of the small territorial size of Kaliningrad, this means the S-400's engagement envelope expands well into surrounding NATO countries, such a Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, as well as far over the Baltic Sea.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: NATO commanders are using this Russian deployment as tehir reason on why they should have more resources .... Putin's Next Potential Target: The Baltic States (Atlantic Council).


Unknown said...

Map opf the earth cruise missile

Unknown said...

Nap of the earth cruise missile.

Jay Farquharson said...


S-400's are mobile, are deployed in batteries, network to any Soviet/Russian sensor systems , from radar through optical to Ir, including air traffic control systems, are networked to Pantsir 21 medium range systems that can target and shoot on the move,

And the S-400's minimal TAR is 5 X 5 metres, it's maximal TAR is 400 mm x 5 metres. In exercises the Pantsir and the S-400 have demonstrated the ability to track, target and destroy even moving vehicles.

All of the varients , including the naval versions, were designed to be able to track and destroy cruise missiles.

NATO is "freaking out", not because they can't destroy the systems, but because it has to be done the old fashioned way, with jammers, ELINT aircraft and wild weasels, one system at a time, with hundreds of sorties, a program that could take months, and all air operations with in range are at risk, until the systems are taken out.

RRH said...

And who do those Russians think they are anyway?