Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Russia's Top Military Intelligence Chief Has Died Unexpectedly. No Cause Given

Igor Sergun's position as GRU chief landed him on the sanctions lists imposed in early 2014 by both the United States and the European Union, which specifically cited his oversight of "the activity of GRU officers in eastern Ukraine." TASS

BBC: Russian GRU military spy chief Igor Sergun dies

The head of Russia's secretive GRU military intelligence service, Gen Igor Sergun, has died suddenly aged 58.

Expressing condolences, President Vladimir Putin called him "an experienced and competent commander, a man of great courage, a true patriot".

The circumstances of his death are not clear. He became GRU chief in 2011.

In 2014 he was placed on EU and US sanctions lists targeting top Russian officials after Russia's annexation of Crimea, in southern Ukraine.

The EU list said Gen Sergun was "responsible for the activity of GRU officers in eastern Ukraine".

Gen Sergun is not thought to have had direct combat experience when he took charge of the GRU.

WNU Editor: Moscow is very quiet on this passing-away. Just Putin's condolences .... nothing more. My take is that everyone was surprised by his demise .... and this week is also Russian Orthodox Christmas .... everyone is focused on the long weekend.

More News On Russia's Top Military Intelligence Chief Dying Unexpectedly

Russia's top military spook dies unexpectedly -- CBS/AP
Russian Military Intelligence Chief Dies Unexpectedly -- RFE
Head of Russia's military intelligence service dies aged 58 -- Independent.ie/Press Association
Russia’s Director of Military Intelligence Dies Unexpectedly -- WSJ
Vladimir Putin's spy chief dies suddenly aged 58, Kremlin reveals -- Mirror
Russia’s Top Spook Just Died, And Moscow Has Little To Say -- Daily Caller
The Unexpected Death of Russia’s military intelligence (GRU) chief, Igor Sergun -- In Moscow's Shadows
Putin Expresses Condolences Over Death of Russia's Chief Military Spy -- Sputnik

1 comment:

Don Bacon said...

General Sergun wasn't a big fan of the West, and possibly he influenced Putin
from a Sergun speech: (translation here)
It is no secret that it was at the instigation of Western ‘partners’ that since the 1980s, Islamic extremism was rapidly gaining momentum. To counter the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, there was heavy arming – with the funds from the United Stated of America and other NATO states – of scattered groups of Jihadists and Mujahideen who subsequently merged into major terrorist groups and movements. With financial and military assistance from Washington and its allies, rendered in order to eliminate the regime in Syria, unwanted by the West, the ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ and ‘Jabhat al-Nusra’ were created. Military intervention in Libya by the Alliance entailed similar results.

Availability of the stable sources of financing for the extremists is the reason for a serious concern. The most reliable cash-flow channels include various non-governmental organizations and foundations. For example, in the states of the Arabian Peninsula there are about 200 such organizations.

A major source of income is the control over drugs production and trafficking. This activity brings the Islamists of the Middle East and Central Asia up to US $500 million a year.

It happens quite often that actions of Washington and the West in general in various regions of the world contribute to creation of serious problems, including drug trafficking, religious extremism and terrorism, after which Washington heroically mobilizes the international community to neutralize the problems.