Sunday, January 17, 2016

The CIA Is Not Happy With The Movie '13 Hours'

Variety: CIA Spokesman Slams ‘13 Hours’ as ‘Distortion’ of Benghazi Events

A spokesman for the CIA is criticizing the Michael Bay movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” as a “distortion of the events and people who served in Benghazi that night.”

The spokesman, Ryan Trapani, was quoted in an exclusive Washington Post story, which also features an interview with the CIA chief in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed in a siege of the diplomatic compound and attack on the CIA annex.

“No one will mistake this movie for a documentary,” Tripani told the Post. “It’s a distortion of the events and people who served in Benghazi that night. It’s shameful that, in order to highlight the heroism of some, those responsible for the movie felt the need to denigrate the courage of other Americans who served in harm’s way.”

Tripani did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Update: Former CIA officer in Benghazi challenges Michael Bay's '13 Hours' (Chicago Tribune/Washington Post)

WNU Editor: I always find it amazing how some movies just get some people all riled up.


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Movies "based" on real events, TV shows, Media hype all have a major effect on popular opinion in the US.

Many studies show that they have more effect on popular opinion, than actual events.

When large segments of society, view their society as it is prortrayed in say, 24, Homeland, True Detective, etc, it makes rational, effective public policy difficult.

Unknown said...

So Hillary had no reason to lie or hide her emails.

This keeps getting better & better Jay, the wood worker cum armchair psychologists.

It is amazing that she is not in jail yet.

Jay Farquharson said...

The movie's not about her e-mails dude.

If it was, nobody would watch it and it would have gone straight to DVD.

Instead it's factional thriller/shoot-em-up very, very loosely based on Bengazi, and judging from past studies, 47% of Americans are going to belive it's a factual documentary.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Correct on your description of how brain wash people is in the U.S. a lot of trendys wants to have a lighting saber Star wars style.

phill said...

Most Americans aren't going to watch this movie......but hay studies and what not.