Sunday, January 3, 2016

Top U.S. National Security Official: The Islamic State Will Not Be Defeated In 2016

White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes (Photo credit: screenshot/CNN)

CBS: Official: Don't expect ISIS to be eradicated in 2016

A White House official doubted Saturday that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) would be defeated in the next year.

"[ISIS] will continue to exist. You are not going to eradicate [ISIS] in the next year," Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said in a briefing, when asked whether he expected the threat of ISIS to be eliminated by the end of President Obama's time in office. "Just as al Qaeda continues to exist, although significantly degraded."

"What we would like to see is that we have substantially taken away their safe haven, so that they are not controlling these major swaths of territory and population centers," Rhodes said.

WNU Editor: I am still waiting for them to eradicate Al Qaeda .... but I suspect that both Al Qaeda and ISIS (and others) will be around for a very long time.

1 comment:

Don Bacon said...

Rhodes is simply a flack for the incompetent US administration, "security" branch. His title is "Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting."
"Strategic Communications" is the Pentagon's term for propaganda. The State Department's is "Public Diplomacy." My term is "horsepuckey."

The White House would like to see ISIS endure because it would break up the Iran-Iraq-Syria line of communications and alliance, and also it's what US allies Turkey, Saudi and Israel want. So we get: "[ISIS] will continue to exist. You are not going to eradicate [ISIS] in the next year."
Now watch Russia do it, unless the US can effectively counter Russia as it would like to do and has tried to do.