Sunday, January 17, 2016

U.S. To Pay Iran $400 Million Debt And $1.3 Billion In Interest Dating From The Islamic Revolution

US Secretary of State John Kerry pictured during a press conference at the E3/EU+3 and Iran talks at the International Atomic Energy Agency headquarters in Vienna on January 16, 2016 (AFP Photo/Joe Klamar)

AFP: US to pay Iran $1.7 bn in debt and interest: Kerry

Washington (AFP) - The United States is to repay Iran a $400 million debt and $1.3 billion in interest dating to the Islamic revolution, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.

The repayment, which settles a suit brought under an international legal tribunal, is separate from the tens of billions of dollars in frozen foreign accounts that Iran can now access after the end of nuclear sanctions.

But the timing of the announcement, one day after the implementation of the Iran nuclear accord, will be seen as pointing to a broader clearing of the decks between the old foes.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This news is going to irk a lot of people.


Unknown said...

WTF??? Iran has American blood on their hands and we treat them like our spoiled teenage population. I'm ashamed.

War News Updates Editor said...

As I said Mike .... this news is going to irk a lot of people.

phill said...

On the bright side the Iranians can finally get spare parts for the f-4, f-5, and f-14s.

Unknown said...

You've got that right. I understand diplomacy and improving relations, but this is insane. The Iranians have made a mockery of us for decades. They can kill our marines in Beirut, provide advanced explosives and tactics to our enemies, etc. They can deal with sanctions because we've never retaliated against them militarily once. Ever. Don't even get me started on the nuke deal, they'll get that weapon eventually. They will ride out the rest of this lame administration and play the next one too. I can only imagine the anger that our military veterans are feeling.

Caecus said...

“I saw the weakness, cowardice, and fear of American soldiers myself. Despite having all of the weapons and equipment, they surrendered themselves with the first action of the guardians of Islam,” Ahmad Dolabi, an IRGC commander, said in Persian-language remarks at a prayer service in Iran’s Bushehr providence.

“American forces receive the best training and have the most advanced weapons in the world,” he added. “But they did not have the power to confront the Guard due to weakness of faith and belief.”

Washington Free Beacon

Unknown said...

Tell that to the special operations community.

James said...

"Tell that to the special operations community."
I think that will happen (much to the shock of the IRG), but I think it's going to be a little while longer than we think.

James said...

I should clarify. There will be an accounting for all of this and I don't think it'll be what the IRG thinks is going to happen.

B.Poster said...

I can see why this will irk allot of people. Given their historical animosity towards us, I must admit to being irked at this on a large level. Did the US officials even try to negotiate a reasonable deal for us or did they just roll over? Could we have gotten a better deal? Essentially how hard did they actually try?

The Iran nuclear deal was essentially a gang rape of America by Iran and its allies and US officials appeared to enjoy being raped!! Did they enjoy this one too? Somehow I think they did enjoy this. America is in a bad position relative to Iran and combined with officials who don't care about American interests or not as much as they should a bad situation is amplified even worse.

Mr. Kerry is probably right about at least one thing though. Failure to make a deal right now would have only meant the terms that would have been more costly later. Essentially the terms that would have been forced on America would have been even more onerous at a later time.

With that said

hurhur said...

all of this only adds to the fire that is currently burning wildly in sof communities, teams, and those training to get to those teams.

lets just say it tends to make the daily 3am sand runs and grinder sessions a bit more meaningful knowing that on the backend we get to finally play the game.

B.Poster said...

"American forces receive the best training and have the most advanced weapons in the world..." Very respectfully at best this assertion is debatable. In all likelihood this statement by the Iranian official is ridiculous non sense. It is classic anti-American propaganda. In order to demonize someone, it often helps to present them as something stronger than they actually are and for the purposes of Iranian leadership at least America still needs to be demonized and making ridiculous grandiose claims about American military capabilities clearly helps them in this cause.

James said...

"lets just say it tends to make the daily 3am sand runs and grinder sessions a bit more meaningful knowing that on the backend we get to finally play the game."
I bet it does, and there is nothing more satisfying than first person communication.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

James from who we're going to borrow money to pay Iran.

James said...

"James from who we're going to borrow money to pay Iran."
Take a wild guess, excuse me I have to go look in a mirror.

Jay Farquharson said...


The seized Iranian money, gold and assets was supposed to be set in a " trust" and accrue interest.

So, if the laws were followed, the US taxpayer owes $0.

If on the other hand, Politicians stole it all, or the Alphabet Agencies used it to fund say the CIA sponsored terrorism in Iranian Baleuchistan, well then, that is the taxpayers problem.

Si-vis-pasen- said...
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