Sunday, February 21, 2016

2 Years After The Revolution Unrest Grows Over Corruption And The Economy In Ukraine

People attend an anti-government rally at Independence Square in central Kiev, Ukraine, February 21, 2016. © Gleb Garanich / Reuters

USA Today: 2 years after revolution, corruption plagues war-torn Ukraine

Two years after a pro-Western revolution provoked a conflict with Russian-backed separatists, Ukraine faces a graver threat from rampant corruption — the problem that sparked its 2014 revolt in the first place.

In eastern Ukraine, government forces are under the fiercest assault from militants since a cease-fire began to take hold in the beginning of September.

And in the capital, Kiev, Ukrainian politicians face a growing backlash over an economy in shambles and widespread cronyism it had pledged to eradicate when parliament voted on Feb. 22, 2014, to oust Russian-backed President Viktor Yanukovych. Parliament's actions were backed by mass demonstrations on Maidan square in Kiev, where Yanukovych's troops shot and killed many protesters.

While the conflict in the east saps energy and costs lives, what’s at stake in Ukraine’s faltering struggle with corruption is the support of its European allies and full integration with the West, Germany's ambassador to the United States, Peter Wittig, warned.

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WNU Editor: I am not a fan of this former Ukrainian President, but he is right on this one .... Orange Revolution's Leader Calls Ukraine's Crisis 'Most Hopeless' Yet (Sputnik)

More News On Ukraine's Political/Economic Crisis

Ukrainian nationalists rally in Kiev, demand govt's ouster -- AP
Ukrainian Nationalists Rally In Kyiv -- RFE
‘Right-Wing' Protest: Partial hotel takeover and tents in the middle of Ukraine's capital -- Ukraine Today
‘Revolutionary forces' build camp after Maidan shootings anniversary -- Ukraine Today
Kiev protesters demand resignations & early elections, mull forming ‘popular government’ -- RT
France, Germany urge Ukraine to implement reforms -- AFP

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