Thursday, February 25, 2016

40 Intel Analysts At CENTCOM Believe That Intel On The Islamic State Has Been 'Skewed'

Shane Harris and Nancy Youssel, Daily Beast: 400 Intel Pros Warn: ISIS Info Flawed

The “unusually high” number said that there were problems with the “integrity” of their reports as many have accused their bosses for skewing reports on ISIS.

Forty percent of analysts working at the U.S. military’s Central Command, which is running the war against ISIS, think there are problems with “analytic integrity” in their work, a top congressman said on Thursday.

Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, asked senior intelligence officials about the figure, which was discovered in a recent survey of analysts by the country’s top intelligence office. The survey was first reported by The Daily Beast this month.

“To me, it seems like if 40 percent of analysts are concerned at CENTCOM, that’s just something that can’t be ignored,” Nunes told top intelligence officials testifying before the committee, including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan.

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WNU Editor: I gave up reading CENTCOM press releases almost a year ago .... they did not make sense even then .... Are The People Who Run U.S. Central Command Stupid? (April 18, 2015).

Update: This case is now getting interesting .... Lawmaker Accuses Military of Deleting Evidence in Intel Probe (Bloomberg).

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