Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Al Qaeda vs. The Islamic State

Eli Lake, Bloomberg: Where Islamic State Stumbles in Its War With Al-Qaeda

Since al-Qaeda expelled it from its ranks a little more than two years ago, the Islamic State has been on a tear. It has taken Iraq's second-largest city, declared itself a caliphate, won over al Qaeda affiliates in Sinai and Nigeria, and conducted high-profile terror attacks in Europe and the Middle East.

But that's only part of the story. Despite these victories, the Islamic State has had a difficult time establishing and retaining its new affiliates. From Algeria to Afghanistan, its fledgling franchises have come under siege from local rivals and government forces. Far from displacing al-Qaeda as the jihadi vanguard, the Islamic State has found itself in a very real war with its former patrons throughout the Muslim world.

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WNU Editor: They will cooperate when it suits their interests .... and that is what concerns me.

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