Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Says He Is Ready To Step Down

WSJ: Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Says He’s Ready to Step Down

Announcement comes as thousands march to mark first anniversary of Boris Nemtsov murder

MOSCOW—The Kremlin-backed leader of Russia’s southern Chechnya region announced that he wants to step down, as Russians commemorated the first anniversary of the murder of a prominent opposition leader, allegedly killed by a group of Chechens.

Ramzan Kadyrov, the 39-year-old leader of Chechnya, said in an interview with the Russian television network NTV that the time had come for the Russian government to find his replacement.

The announcement came as thousands of Russians marched in the capital to honor Boris Nemtsov, the former deputy prime minister and opposition leader, whom assassins gunned down a year ago on a bridge next to the Kremlin.

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WNU Editor: I have one simple rule when it comes to Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov .... do not believe anthing that he says. This sums up who he is .... Kadyrov a ‘threat to Russia’s national security’ (FT).

More News On Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Saying He Is Ready To Step Down

Ramzan Kadyrov says his day as Chechen leader is gone -- TASS
Chechnya's strongman says he is willing to step down -- AP
Russian leadership should find another leader for Chechnya - Kadyrov -- RBTH
Kadyrov Says He's Ready To Step Down -- RFE


James said...

He's bargaining.

War News Updates Editor said...

James. Exactly one year after Nemtsov's murder. The coincidence is interesting.