Saturday, February 27, 2016

Corruption And The War Continues In Ukraine

VOA: Ukraine Pressured by Corruption, Renewed Fighting

LONDON - Two years ago this month, Ukraine's Maidan Revolution sought to do away with a corrupt oligarchy and put the country on the path toward becoming a Western-style democratic society. But the reform-minded pro-Western government is now under pressure as corruption persists, and Russia shows no signs of letting up in its support for pro-Russian rebels in the country's east.

Demonstrators in Kyiv this month attacked offices of Russian banks, smashing windows and furniture as police looked on. The demonstrators were nationalists, marking the departure two years ago of Russian-backed former President Viktor Yanukovych. But they also expressed anger at the current government for its failure to stamp out corruption and target the oligarchs responsible for it.

Read more ....

Update: Remember That War in Ukraine? They’re Still Fighting It (Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast).

WNU Editor:
This story on Ukraine caught my eye yesterday .... They even stole the bathroom tiles! Chandeliers, snooker table and white grand piano looted from crumbling mansion of Ukraine tyrant ...and left just a photo album, karaoke CD and empty vodka bottle (Daily Mail).

1 comment:

James said...

A lot of muscle in the above header photo.