Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Did Turkey's President Erdogan Threatened To Flood Europe With Migrants?

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker welcomes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (L) at the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels on Oct. 5, 2015. (Photo: Cihan)

Reuters: Turkey's Erdogan threatened to flood Europe with migrants: Greek website

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan threatened in November to flood Europe with migrants if European Union leaders did not offer him a better deal to help manage the Middle East refugee crisis, a Greek news website said on Monday.

Publishing what it said were minutes of a tense meeting last November, the euro2day.gr financial news website revealed deep mutual irritation and distrust in talks between Erdogan and the EU's two top officials, Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk.

The EU officials were trying to enlist Ankara's help in stemming an influx of Syrian refugees and migrants into Europe. Over a million arrived last year, most crossing the narrow sea gap between Turkey and islands belonging to EU member Greece.

Tusk's European Council and Juncker's European Commission declined to confirm or deny the authenticity of the document, and Erdogan's office in Ankara had no immediate comment.

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WNU Editor: With allies like this, who needs enemies.

More News On Reports That Turkish President Erdogan Threatened To Flood Europe With Migrants

Turkey's Erdogan "taunted EU leaders" over migrant deal -- The Telegraph
Turkey’s Erdoğan threatened to flood Europe with migrants, leak reveals -- Today's Zaman
"We Can Put Refugees On Buses": Leaked Memo Shows Erdogan Blackmailed Europe For Billions -- Zero Hedge
A smuggler’s-eye view of Turkey’s effort to stop the migrants -- The Economist


RRH said...

We've watched these Euros pull a lot of $#'+ for more than a few years. Whether in Africa, the Middle East, Yugoslavia, or the Ukraine (to name just a few). Someone should explain to them that when you make it a habit pull your pants down and bare your ass to the world, you should not be surprised when a foot, or in the case of the Sultan, something else, gets put in it.

Canada, since she's been of the habit to play it cute, fast and loose on the world scene over the past little bit, should pay attention...and pull her drawers up.

Jay Farquharson said...

We won't.

The Lib's are still carrying forward the LAV sale to Saudi, and calling it " non-lethal" aid, because the gun turrets will be made and installed in Europe,

And we are carrying on with the same old games in Haiti.

Once you climb in bed with "them", you are in bet for at least two generations.