Thursday, February 18, 2016

Doctors Without Borders Releases Its report On War-Wounded-Dead In Syria

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Doctors Without Borders: Report: Documenting War-Wounded and War-Dead in MSF-Supported Medical Facilities in Syria

As the conflict in Syria approaches its sixth year, the humanitarian and medical toll of the violence remains appalling. Millions of people have been internally displaced or have sought refuge abroad. Millions more are trapped in communities that are under siege or hemmed in by the closed borders of neighboring countries. These countries, already overwhelmed by the numbers of Syrians seeking protection, have increasingly introduced restrictions on entry for new arrivals.

Meanwhile, the level of violence inside the country shows no signs of abating. Death and injury are a daily reality. The year 2015 saw an increased number of countries engaging their military and entering the war. Russia intervened in September on the invitation of the Syrian government, with significant use of its air force, while France and the UK extended their air campaigns under the US-led coalition from Iraq to Syria in September and December. This situation is unprecedented, as four of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are now actively engaged in hostilities in the Syrian conflict.

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WNU Editor: These numbers are staggering .... and they are only part oft he story.

1 comment:

Don Bacon said...

The US-led coalition has been trying for four years now to overthrow the Syrian government which is an obvious violation of the UN Charter, and they get away with it. I guess it's one of those good wars Obama talked about. But no war is good.