Sunday, February 21, 2016

Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Are Now Positioned To Win The Nominations Of Their Party

McClathcy News: Trump poised to step on the GOP accelerator

* GOP delegate selection process favors front-runners
* Nevada caucus up next; Trump favored
* He leads in 8 of the next states

CHARLESTON, S.C. : Things sure look good for Donald Trump.

The Republican presidential race expanded across the country Sunday, and polls show the real estate mogul ahead in eight of the dozen states voting in the next nine days.

Trump has now won primaries in two very different states, center-right New Hampshire and evangelical-dominated South Carolina. And the Republican Party system of choosing a presidential nominee favors candidates who continue to win early primaries and caucuses.

“He seems to have about a third of the Republican electorate under his spell, and it’s a durable, non-ideological coalition,” said Kyle Kondik, managing editor at Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball Sunday.

The biggest hope for stopping Trump is for a single strong challenger to emerge, and so far that hasn’t happened.

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NBC: Six Things We Learned From Hillary Clinton's Nevada Victory

Hillary Clinton notched an important victory in Saturday's Nevada caucus, winning a diverse state and building significant momentum before a series of primary contests in which she is likely to be favored by significant margins.

A look at early entrance polls in the Silver State gives us a picture of how Clinton built a winning coalition in the state. Here are some of the biggest takeaways:

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WNU Editor: My prediction still holds .... a Trump-Rubio-Cruz contest in March, Hillary Clinton will start to pull away from Bernie Sanders after Super Tuesday. In the end .... this will be a match-up between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for the Presidency. My Russian friends are starting to ask me who is best positioned to win the U.S. Presidency .... my answer .... after he has secured the Republican nomination, I  expect Donald Trump to change his tone and pivot away from his past rhetoric .... this is his election to lose.

Update: This is interesting .... Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Have Deepest Pockets Ahead of ‘Super Tuesday’ (New York Times).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is BS!

Why would the primaries be over after just 3 states (6% of the states)?

Jeb set himself up to fail with his winning without the base strategy and ignoring Bush fatigue.

The establishment is trying to sabotage Cruz.

Trump should be doing no better than he did last time except for establishment perfidy on immigration and weakness in caving to Obama.

Trump thanks all the weak kneed bewildered wildebeasts of the Republican Party