Sunday, February 28, 2016

Greece Overwhelmed With Refugees As Neighbouring Countries Close Their Borders

ABC News Online: Europe migrant crisis: Thousands stuck on Greece's northern border after Balkan countries put cap on migrant arrivals

Some 6,500 people are stuck at the Idomeni camp on Greece's northern border with Macedonia after four Balkan countries announced a daily cap on migrant arrivals.

The build-up began in earnest last week after Macedonia started refusing entry to Afghans and imposed stricter document controls on Syrians and Iraqis, slowing the passage of migrants and refugees to a trickle.

The situation looked set to worsen significantly after EU members Slovenia and Croatia, as well as Serbia and Macedonia, said they would limit the number of migrants entering each day to 580.

The tighter controls have left thousands, including many children, stranded in Greece, as the bloc's worst migration crisis since World War II shows no sign of abating.

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WNU Editor: It is amazing how people forget. It was only a year ago the Greek ministers were threatening to flood Europe with migrants if they did not get what they wanted in their debt talks .... Greece Threatens To Unleash Waves Of Migrants And 'Jihadists' If Europe Does Not Bail Them Out Of The Debt Crisis. With the closure of the borders Greece will probably be facing two million (and more) refugees this summer. On a personal note .... my many Greek friends are in shock with what is happening. The Greek debt crisis destroyed their finances, but all of them are now aware that this massive wave of humanity is probably going to fundamentally change Greek society as they know it.

More News On Greece's Migrant Crisis

Greece is fast becoming the "warehouse of human beings" that its government has vowed to not allow -- AP
Greece Scrambles to House Stranded Migrants as Numbers Grow -- WSJ
Greece says up to 70,000 migrants may be 'trapped' next month -- AFP
Thousands of asylum-seekers remain stuck in northern Greece -- CBC
Double crisis deepens despair in Greece’s ‘warehouse of souls’ -- the Guardian
Greece Drafts EU Emergency Migrant Action Plan -- Sputnik
Decrepit Athens Airport Becomes Shelter for Stranded Migrants (Photo Gallery) -- NBC

1 comment:

RRH said...

I guess the next time NATO decides to invade/bomb another country, overthrow a government or involve itself in a "democratic" revolution by proxy, the Greeks, and other Euros, will think twice.

Probably not.