Friday, February 5, 2016

Has Turkey Broken The Open Skies Treaty?

AFP: Turkey broke aviation treaty in blocking Russian plane: Moscow

Moscow (AFP) - Russia's defence ministry on Wednesday accused Turkey of breaching the Open Skies treaty by refusing to allow a reconnaissance plane to overfly its territory near Syria, the latest salvo in an ongoing row as relations between the two countries hits a post-Cold War low.

"This creates a dangerous precedent over a lack of control of the military activity of a member state of the Open Skies treaty," the ministry said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: What is the point of having a treaty when it is not respected. The problem is that Russian - Turkish relations are now rock-bottom .... and all the rules that everyone respected in the past are now being ignored. One now has to wonder if Turkey will break the Montreux Convention.

More News On Claims That Turkey Is Breaking The 'Open Skies Treaty'

Turkey rejects Russian request for routine observation flight -- Reuters
‘Dangerous precedent’: Turkey denies Russian observation flight along Syrian border -- RT
Turkey says refused access to Russian flight near Syria -- AFP
Russia says Turkey systematically violates Open Skies Treaty -- TASS
Russia expects international reaction to Turkey’s violation of Open Skies Treaty -- TASS
Turkey says it rejected Russian observation flight request over ’route disagreement’ -- Today's Zaman


Don Bacon said...

Yes, Turkey is in violation.
from US State Dept
The United States considers the Open Skies Treaty to be a key element of our Euro-Atlantic security architecture. The broad cooperation by all Treaty Parties, especially in sharing observation flights, is but one hallmark of the Treaty’s success. --here

Anonymous said...

Viva Turkey for standing ground.

Jay Farquharson said...

As a NATO Member, by denying the Russian "Open Skies" Overflights, Turkey has given Russia legal grounds under the Treaty to deny all NATO "Open Skies" Overflights over Russia, (several hundred a year), until Russian Overflights are allowed over Turkey.

As the "Open Skies" Treaty was to allow verification of Nuclear and Military postures, in the late days of the Cold War, to prevent "accidental" military conflicts based in "misunderstandings",

Turkey has given Russia a great gift and firther sabotaged Turkey's position in NATO. Right now, given global postures, Turkey's offence is probably as grave an offence against NATO as it's invasion of Cyprus.

War News Updates Editor said...

I concur Jay. This is a headache for NATO. Turkey is a member, but this is not what NATO wants. A number of treaties are at risk. There are going to be consequences if this is not smoothed over in the next few days.