Sunday, February 21, 2016

Iran Is Not Worried About A Saudi Military Intervention In Syria

J. Matthew McInnis, National Interest: Iran Isn’t Sweating Saudi Intervention in Syria

The Saudi pledge on February 4 to contribute ground troops as part of an “accelerated” campaign in Syria was followed by similar announcements from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, along with hints that Qatar may also contribute symbolically. Small deployments of Gulf Arab forces are unlikely to significantly alter the battlefield in Syria, if they ever materialize. Could they, however, drive the complex proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Syria towards a more direct military confrontation?

The possible new Arab special operations deployments come as Iran’s hand in the conflict grows stronger, and the return on Saudi investment in Syrian opposition groups continues to disappoint. The opposition-held areas of Aleppo appear increasingly vulnerable to being retaken by the joint Syrian-Russian-Iranian assault and the Geneva peace talks appear to be going nowhere. The United States is also pressuring the Gulf States for greater participation in the fight against the Islamic State, while Turkey is willing to deepen its coordination with Saudi Arabia in Syria.

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WNU editor: They should be worried. Any Saudi intervention would mean a prolongation of the war .... and higher Iranian casualties.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They should be worried, but that is not the face they have to project to the Saudis.

Iran versus Saudi in Syria and Iran wins although how much they hurt I do not know. My guess is neither do the Saudis. So if Saudi Arabia knows they would lose, but would bloody Iran it might be worth it. But if Iran really looks confident, they might reconsider thinking they will only get a pint and have to face the inevitable retaliation.

It is hard to tell confidence from their usual bluster.