Sunday, February 21, 2016

Is America’s Military The No. 1 Fighting Force In The World?

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visit Fort Stewart. (White House photo)

Jessica Marmor Shaw, Marketwatch: Is America’s military the No. 1 fighting force in the world — or not?

For the first time in decades, Americans are evenly divided when asked if the U.S. has the No. 1 military in the world.

A recent Gallup poll found that only 49% of Americans believe the U.S. has the best military — that’s the lowest percent recorded in the 23 years Gallup has been asking this question, and significantly lower than the 59% who said the U.S. is No. 1 one year ago, in February 2015.

And this is important to people: The Gallup poll found about two-thirds of Americans say the U.S. should be the No. 1 military in the world.

That only half of the population believes the U.S. is No. 1 might seem crazy given the size and scope of America’s military.

Take military spending, the most obvious indicator of a nation’s power. The U.S. spent over $600 billion on its military in 2014, outspending its closest rival, China, by nearly $400 billion, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The next seven countries on the list — China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, the U.K., India and Germany — spent about $600 billion combined in 2014.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. military is still the No. 1 fighting force in the world .... but it is also true that the world is catching-up.


Unknown said...

Invincibility is a skill that cannot be mastered...

Anonymous said...

If we had the military culture of the 1950's and mid 60's and today's weapons? Most certainly! But, with the current PC environment, I have severe doubt...

RRH said...

#1? At the moment, yes. But the cost....

fazman said...

You took the words right out of mouth!
With zero political will to use what you have you might as well have kept those f4 and m60

Bob Huntley said...

Actually as big and costly as it is, it appears to be the number one losing force in the world and has been for the past fifty or so years.

Unknown said...

Trying to quantify military prowess based on charts, graphs, and budget comparisons is like trying to figure out who would win a street fight based on who can do the most push-ups and run the fastest 5K...
I was taught to "Cheat to win"
the only way to know if you are number one is to risk it all and do whatever it takes to NOT LOSE.
The rest of the world is not America...not everyone gets a trophy just for participating...
That said; picking a fight that is unwinnable is just as foolish as picking one that you are not committed to win.

Unknown said...

Obama never won a fist fight.

Why is that weak-assed MoFo CINC?