Friday, February 26, 2016

Is The Islamic State About To Lose Its 'Syrian Capital'?

Google Maps/Amanda Macias/Business Insider

Nancy Youssef, Daily Beast: ISIS Is Losing Its Capital

Pentagon officials are cautiously optimistic that the terror group is entering its death throes, even as it advances on new territory.

This week’s fighting in Syria has seen major changes for the self-proclaimed Islamic State’s grip there, leaving some in the Pentagon wondering if ISIS is trying to expand its territorial hold or is in its last throes.

This week, Kurdish forces pushed the terror group out of two cities—al Thawrah and Ash Shaddadi—that sit on supply routes for ISIS’s de facto Syrian capital, Raqqa. In Ash Shaddadi, Kurdish forces received substantial U.S.-led coalition airstrike support.

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WNU Editor: I doubt it. The Kurds have been advancing .... but going after Raqqa will probably be a bridge too far for them.

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