Saturday, February 20, 2016

Is Russia Showcasing its Weapons In The Syrian War?

Russian pilots ready a Su-30 fighter for a raid at Hmeimim aerodrome in Syria. Reuters File

Matthew Gault, Reuters: Podcast: Is the Syrian war partly an ad for Russia’s arms industry?

Russia has gone to great pains to display its refurbished and modern weaponry the last few years. First in Georgia, then in Ukraine and now in Syria. Pundits, journalists and bloggers have marveled at how far Moscow’s military has come after the decade of decay following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

But just how strong is Russia’s military? Are the new tanks, land-based drones, stealth fighters and fancy missiles as effective as Moscow wants the world to believe? How has the conflict in Ukraine and the collapsing price of oil affected its modernization efforts?

Read more ....

WNU editor: if true .... the Russians are not the only ones .... The RAF's Touted Brimstone Missile Has Not Killed One ISIS Fighter In Syria


Stephen Davenport said... are on a roll. They wouldn't last five minutes against a good western military. Case in point, Turkey has owned them in Syria. Ukraine owned them in the Donbass. Have not seen one new weapon used in Syria other than a few missiles fired from the Caspian Sea. Hinds and Hips are old, their air force drops dumb bombs and their UAVs are shit. Again the Russian military likes to boast a lot about how good they are, and people like you grab their propaganda and forward it on. They are a regional power at best, with second rate equipment, I have a dollar that says like Iran, you won't see their new gear like the Armata anywhere near a conflict.

Unknown said...

1. Turkey shot down a Russian war plane that has no air to air combat ability

2. There are only Russian military advisors in Ukraine

3. They kill more terrorist in a week than USA does in a month., Russia's bombing campaign in Syria has made the lads at the pentagon raise their eyebrows and choke on their coffee.

Am I pro Russian? Not at all, I just hate this whole "MURICA" thing. And there's litteraly no reason for me to be pro Russian.

Every country (regime) in the world Is bad.
It's just a matter of whose worse than who.

RRH said...

Well, they have better submarines than the Canadians.

Stephen Davenport said...

Umm Salem, Actually a SU-24, UAV and Mig-29 have been shot down by Turkish forces. Sure have been a lot of Russian advisors and vacation goers killed in the Ukraine (Mostr counts 200-500 killed and up to a thousand wounded). They are not killing terrorists in Syria, they are killing FSA, unless you consider all anti-Assad forces as terrorists forces, which I suspect you do. The USA are strictly go after ISIS, or Al-Qeada affiliated units in Iraq and Syria.

Unknown said...

Err no. I'm not assuming that all anti assad regime are terrorist, but (most are)

And yeah, Russia is using isis as a pretext to kill the fsa, Russia Is no Saint. But I just want u to know that USA is no Saint either, that's all I'm trying to say.

Oh and u sed: "the USA are strictly go after isis, or al qaeda affiliated units in Iraq and Syria".

The USA should be compelled to go after isis in the first place since they created isis ( be it directly or indirectly). The USA owes the entire world population the destruction of isis because the created it.

Every nation In the world has cancerous goals, no nation is free from innocence. It is only a matter of whose worse than who.