Monday, February 8, 2016

Jihad Comes To Africa

A man holds a copy of the Quran at a protest against Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou’s presence at a Paris rally after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Niamey, Niger, in January 2015. PHOTO: TAGAZA DJIBO/REUTERS

Yaroslav Trofimiv, WSJ: Jihad Comes to Africa

Boko Haram, al-Shabaab and other ruthless groups threaten to turn the continent into global jihad’s deadliest front

Africa’s Muslim belt is getting bloodier.

Boko Haram—the regional affiliate of Islamic State and one of the world’s deadliest terrorist groups—has accelerated its campaign of almost daily suicide bombings. Just last month, the group massacred 86 people, many of them children, in the Nigerian village of Dalori and 32 others in the Cameroonian village of Bodo.

To the west, al Qaeda’s regional franchise has been waging war on the government of Mali and expanded its reach last month to the previously peaceful country of Burkina Faso, slaying at least 30 people—many of them Westerners—in an assault on a luxury hotel. In the east, another al Qaeda affiliate, Somalia’s al-Shabaab, overran an African Union military base three weeks ago and slaughtered more than 100 Kenyan troops.

Sub-Saharan Africa was long seen as relatively immune to the call of Islamist militancy because of its unorthodox religious practices—rooted in Sufism, a more mystical mode of Islam that focuses on individual spirituality—and its traditional cultures, which are far removed from strict Middle Eastern ways. Today the area has become the fastest-growing front of global jihad—and perhaps its deadliest.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A sobering analysis on the growth and spread of radical Islam in Africa. Read it all.


Unknown said...

It is a reaction to Western imperialism in Thailand, The Phillipines, Burma, China, etc.

You would look good in a hijab Don.

Jay Farquharson said...

In most of north east Africa, the Colonial powers created colonies, where the coastal areas were heavily populated with communal agrarian anmists, and the interior was sparsely populated with hierachial Islamic pastorialists.

The Colonizers found it easier to put the hierachial Islamic pastorialists in charge, as there were much fewer "Chief's" to deal with, and the militant culture of the pastorialists was much more "familiar" to the Colonizers.

The coastal agrigarian peoples turned to Christianity to curry favor with the Colonizers, turned to education to try to land lower level Civil Service jobs, and started most of the small companies.

As the Colonies won their independence, for many years the hierachial Islamic pastorialists remained in charge due to the military/goverment power they had been given by the Colonial powers, and used this power to reward their own kind.

As representative democracy made it's way into these nations, the Coastal Christians started to win elections, and this transfer of power was resented by the Islamic minority, and it also resulted in subsidies being cut to the backwards Islamic regions, which were in most cases, still pastorialists little more advanced than at the point of contact.

Why Anzino, do you hate educated Christians so much?

phill said...

And apparently Jay thinks he's a buddist.....hilarity abounds!

Thank you.

Jay Farquharson said...


You once again make it pretty clear that you are fundimentally ignorant, and have no understanding of even basic buddhism.

There is a cure for ignorance, it's called education.

phill said...

I've got a good grasp on Buddhism and the kind of personality you have, from the comments on this blog.

Others can judge my ingnorance.

I'll let you meditate on it.

Jay Farquharson said...


It's pretty obvious you don't.

Jay Farquharson said...

आत्मज्ञान को साझा करने के लिए पथ धैर्य और दया सच मानने, शांत हो सकता है, यह भी धर्म स्टिक से तेज, के उद्देश्य से चल रही है के माध्यम से हो सकता है।

Guess you've never heard of a dharma stick.

RRH said...

"As the Colonies won their independence, for many years the hierachial Islamic pastorialists remained in charge due to the military/goverment power they had been given by the Colonial powers, and used this power to reward their own kind."

Idi, Idi, Idi Amin
de most amazin' man
there's ever been
He de General,
de President,
de King of de sea,
Idi, Idi, Idi Amin

Like I said, like was, and most certainly is, attracted to like.

Jay Farquharson said...

Once again, you show your basic reading and comprehension problems,

Do you suffer from ADHD?

And if you don't hate people, why do you always post hateful comments, even when you are the only commentor in the thread?

Unknown said...

"Why Anzino, do you hate educated Christians so much?" - Jay

Go all in Jay and spell my name Anzio.

Jay Farquharson said...

Once again, you show your basic reading and comprehension problems,