Saturday, February 13, 2016

Munich Security Conference: 'Russia Has Weaponized Migration To Destabilize Europe'

WNU Editor: The wire services and news organizations have not picked up on this story yet .... but when I saw this Tweet I could not help but shake my head. I guess everyone has forgotten that the EU migration crisis exploded last year only when German Chancellor Merkel told the world that Germany's border would be open to accept refugees, nor the role that Turkey (a fellow NATO member) is playing in facilitating this crisis .... US Blames Putin When Erdogan Caught Weaponizing Refugees (Sputnik). Nope .... instead of being responsible and taking blame for the crisis that you created, blame Russia even though Russia's own Prime Minister has labelled Europe's open border policy to admit refugees as stupid .... Medvedev lambasts 'stupid' Merkel migrant policy (AFP).


Unknown said...


Russia is not trucking them. The refugees are not going through Russia.

Russia only entered the war late in 2015. Russia is not responsible for Libya.

Russia is pretty much blameless.

RRH said...

Projection. So typical of the "western" victims.

This is yet another example of the nauseating prevailing attitude among the parasites who run things in Europe and North America. Whether in parliament, the White House, city hall, in the board room, the office or job site, the prevailing ideology among those in charge dictates to never, ever, take responsibility, let alone be held accountable for, the consequences of their decisions/actions. It is always someone else's fault.

On an aside,

The above is one reason why Chairman Xi's anti corruption campaign in China is so annoying (and fear inducing) to the gang over here. People, especially working people, might get ideas.

jj said...

As usual PCR separates the bullshit from the truth ..

RRH said...

An excellent piece. Thank you.

"Americans can know that democracy has failed them, because there is no check on the neoconservatives’ ability to foment war with Russia and China.

The neocons control the press, and the press portrays Russia as “an existential threat to the United States.” Once this fiction is drilled into the brains of Americans, it is child’s play for propagandists to create endless fears that deplete taxpayers of income in order to create profits for the military-security complex by relaunching the Cold War and an armaments race...The conclusion is unavoidable that the insouciant American people are being prepared for war."

I have come to believe that so called democracy is for suckers.

RRH said...
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Anonymous said...

"Russia is not trucking them. The refugees are not going through Russia.

Russia only entered the war late in 2015. Russia is not responsible for Libya.

Russia is pretty much blameless."

In what planet do you live?

Russia is supporting Assad via proxies Hezb, Shia mercs from Iraq, Afegh, Iran and have a deal with Iran.

Fucking Russia is to blame for the kills with MH17, for the war in Ukraine, for the extended conflict in Syria and now is helping the talibans in Afegh. Fuck Russia, fuck count country

Unknown said...

I don't like the Russian government.

But when Obama and Merkel both had an open door policy, they both got illegal immigration.

Merkel's stupidity is on the record. I had high hopes for her 10 years ago. Now I am really disappointed.

Russia was not needed for Hezbollah to cross the border. Ditto Iran. Iran and Hezbollah did it on their own dime. If Russian subsidized them then a case could be made. I have not seen where Russia is subsidizing Iran or Hezbollah.

Even if Russia financially propped up Assad, is that evil? I am no fan of Assad. We owe him dearly as in lead poisoning. But who would take over? The Muslim Brotherhood? The Muslims Brotherhood is bad. The MB or FSA could not stand against ISIS or Al Qaeda. They do not have what it takes.