Saturday, February 27, 2016

No Solution To The EU Migration Crisis

Nina Schick, Open Europe: No European solution on the migration crisis in sight

With all the focus on a potential Brexit and the UK’s EU referendum campaign kicking off in earnest, attention has been shifted away from the major issue occupying a great many of Europe’s other politicians (and citizens): the migration crisis. Open Europe's Nina Schick assesses the current situation.

EU at breaking point?

In all our years of monitoring EU developments, I don’t think anyone in the Open Europe office can remember an issue that has been so deeply divisive amongst EU leaders. Recriminations and accusations are flying, and worst of all, the crisis shows no sign of abating. Though the root-causes of the crisis are not the EU’s fault, it has to be able to formulate some sort of response, and specifically, differentiate between those coming to Europe who are genuine refugees, and others who are not. As we’ve written elsewhere on this blog, the EU needs to start breaking down the parts of the ‘migration crisis,’ in order to formulate a policy response.

So how close are we to a European solution? The answer is that there is none in sight. As recap, let’s remind ourselves of what’s broadly been proposed:

Read more

WNU Editor: An excellent review .... my must read post for today.

Hat Tip to James for this link.


James said...

"Though the root-causes of the crisis are not the EU’s fault" This statement is incorrect and until the EU realizes this there can be no "solution".

Anonymous said...

Maybe the EU has to repatriate its former citizens and entice them back to Europe. Israeli appears to have done this successfully and it could prop up regimes lacking money and bring in some fairly well educated people. It could also help their demographic issues as well as return people back to their European roots. Rather than spending billions on changing the face of Europe with migrants that have little in common with the culture etc., Europe could have a renaissance of some sorts. In addition, Europe could provide assistance for Middle Easterners in a safe nation where their culture and customs can be retained. I personally believe that if migrants just keep showing up on European soil, Europe's days and culture are truly numbered.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

James is it China taking any refugees, is not where they are executing communist government policy .look at France almost 100% taxes prosecution of political dissidents ,the rich and middle class looted and the super class living .
Looking like 1984

Don Bacon said...

Reader Denis Cooper got it rigjht:
"The rootcauses are largely Europe's fault. In Libya, Ukraine and here Syria they have advocated policies that had a very high probability of creating a big mess and with that a huge flow of immigrants."
Add Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan.
Those days when stuffed-shirt solons in Brussels decided what country to bomb next, in full violation of the UN Charter, led by the US, have come back to bite them. We'll fight them there so we don't have to fight them here, didn't work.
This constant-war policy largely driven by US imperialism is now haunting Europe but not the US because it is isloated from the pitiful migrations. Does the US care? Heck no, the EU is an economic rival, so there's nothing but good news fro the US when one factors in its world leadership in arms sales.
As for the US, it's moving on to focus on other "threats" -- Russia, China, North Korea and its old standby Iran. Europe can fend for itself now, or as Nuland said f**k the EU.