Sunday, February 21, 2016

NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Will Return To The U.S. If Given A Fair Trial

Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. © Mark Blinch / Reuters

The Guardian: Edward Snowden would be willing to return to US for fair trial

Former NSA contractor tells supporters he would present public interest defence if he appeared before American jury.

Edward Snowden has told supporters he would be willing to return to the US if the government could guarantee a fair trial.

The former National Security Agency contractor, who has been living in Russia since June 2013, said he would present a public interest defence of his decision to leak thousands of classified intelligence documents if he appeared before a US jury. “I’ve told the government I would return if they would guarantee a fair trial where I can make a public interest defence of why this was done and allow a jury to decide,” Snowden told a libertarian conference, the New Hampshire Liberty Forum.

Read more ....

Update #1: Snowden: Would return to US with guarantee of fair trial (AP)
Update #2: Snowden: ‘I would return to US if fair trial guaranteed’ (RT)

WNU Editor: He clearly broke the law .... therefore a "fair trial" would probably put him in jail for 30 years. His best bet is to make a deal .... but I doubt that the U.S. Attorney's office will bend for him .... especially in an election year.

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

He could make a deal promising to not release the extremely revealing special file X that is stored away safely to be released if and when he is killed or betrayed. Moderately comfortable lifestyle courtesy of the government, no jail time and round the clock protection by FBI because if some misguided America Patriot decided to kill him file X will be released. He has the credibility to pull that one off.