Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pope Francis: Donald Trump Is Not A Christian

CNN: Pope suggests Trump 'is not Christian'

(CNN)Thrusting himself into the combative 2016 presidential campaign, Pope Francis said Thursday that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump "is not Christian" if he calls for the deportation of undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.

The Pope, who was traveling back to Rome from Mexico, where he urged the United States to address the "humanitarian crisis" on its southern border, declined to say whether American Catholics should vote for Trump.

But Francis left little doubt where he stood on the polarizing issue of immigration reform.

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WNU Editor:
Donald Trump responds .... Trump Calls Pope Francis’ Comments About His Christianity ‘Disgraceful’ (NBC). What's my take .... Donald Trump now knows what Galileo felt 400 years ago.

More News On Pope Francis Suggesting That Donald Trump Is Not A Christian

Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration -- Reuters
Pope on Trump: Anyone who wants border walls isn't Christian -- AP
Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’ -- NYT
Pope Francis Says Donald Trump Is 'Not Christian' -- ABC News
Pope Francis to Donald Trump: Building Mexico Wall Is 'Not Christian' -- NBC
Donald Trump calls Pope Francis 'disgraceful' for questioning his faith -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

There is no reason why Mexico isn't as strong as prosperous as the US or Canada. They are blessed with abundant natural resources and lots of room for growth yet for some reason they have just never been able to connect the dots. Their problems don't lye in US politics but in Mexico city where the Chilangos continue to get rich on the backs of the hard working people all while convincing them that it's the Yankees fault.

B.Poster said...


You nailed it!! Unfortunately many in the US continue to swallow the line that Mexico's situation is America's fault. If only the US would make penance, flog itself, etc. everything would be okay. For a nation like the United States who suffers from low self image, getting Americans to fall for this tripe is quite easy.

To make matters worse the US is becoming more like Mexico. If things continue on the current trajectory, the US will be like Mexico and perhaps worse in less than five years, assuming the nation actually survives that long.

fred said...

If that wall were the only wall in the world the statement might be better understood...but there are any number of walls, and after all, this wall referred to by the Pope has been up for a long time before Trump decided to run for office.

That said, Trump knows what he is doing. He is counting on the huge evangelical group in South Carolina and discounting the rather small number of Catholics there who might be offended by what he is saying about the Pope.

James said...

Behold the fearsome Papal threat display!

Si-vis-pasen- said...

The Vatican have the most restrictions when it comes down to allowed people inside their wall's ...yes... Wall's in some parts the Vatican have 150' feet's high wall's. And ARM Guards .
And becoming a citizen is incredible hard about 800 hundred people live in the Vatican which only 400 are citizens.

Unknown said...

1) The Pope does not like capitalism yet he never asks Cubans to go back to Cuba or Mexicans to go back to Mexico. Why would the Pope want people to stay in a "bad" capitalist system and not go back to a "good" communist system in Cuba.

2) The Pope lives behind walls.

3) When the Berlin Wall was up, did the current Pope talk about it or is he more at home with liberation theology ... meaning to say he is not a Christian.

Did the current Pope speak out against the Iron curtain?

Will the Pope speak against Saudi Arabia's wall or the wall being build by Hungary, Croatia, Poland, etc?

Is the Pope mental?

4) I am sure Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims live up to their ideals better than Christians do. Just ask Jay. Why do we even need Jay? We know what he is going to say before he says it.

RRH said...

This is ridiculous bourgeois theatre.