Thursday, February 18, 2016

Radical Islamism Is Wreaking Havoc In Africa

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Wall Street Journal: Africa’s Terror Crescent

A spate of attacks shows jihad’s long reach on the Continent.

For all the attention attracted by the battle against Islamic State in the Middle East, Islamism is also wreaking havoc in Africa. Jihadist groups control territory stretching from the Horn of Africa to the Mediterranean coast and south to Nigeria, and that crescent was ablaze this weekend.

Al Shabaab on Saturday took responsibility for a bomb that ripped a yard-long hole in a Daallo Airlines plane while it was flying from Mogadishu to Djibouti on Feb. 2. The would-be bomber blew himself out of the cabin, while in a miracle the other passengers and the crew survived.

Al Shabaab, which is al Qaeda’s Somalian franchise, called the attack “retribution for the crimes committed by the coalition of Western crusaders.” Al Shabaab said it intended to bomb a Turkish Airlines flight but switched targets after bad weather forced the Turkish carrier to cancel. The Daallo plane was carrying many of the passengers from the cancelled Turkish flight. Ankara, a NATO member, is building a military base in Somalia and contributes to antiterror efforts in Africa.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And it is only going to get worse.


Don Bacon said...

I don't get why "predominately Muslim" equates to "Jihadist groups control territory" in "Africa's terror crescent." In fact it doesn't. But what can expect from the Wall Street Journal.

All I see mentioned (given the paywall) is Al Shabaab in Somalia, which was created by US involvement.

RRH said...

This "Jihadist havoc wreaking" was openly facilitated by the U.S. and NATO allies. The goal is to keep Afica destabilized, broken up and under military occipation so the extraction of wealth can continue unhindered. Qaddafi, the Afican Union he helped to create, infrastructure projects, African dollar and unity be damned.

Obama and Hillary Clinton should be indicted for crimes against humanity, not making speeches at ASEAN and campaigning for office.

Unknown said...

I don't get why "predominately Muslim" equates to "Jihadist groups control territory"

"The guerrilla must swim in the people as the fish swims in the sea.” – Mao Zedong

Muslim by and large do what to stop jihadis?

Build mega mosques in Africa and America? Staff them with radical imans/preachers like the one in Boston that the Tsaernaev brothers attended.

Have you seen the Muslim opinion polls world wide?

The Derp is strong in you.

Unknown said...

"The goal is to keep Af r ica destabilized, broken up and under military occ u ppation so the extraction of wealth can continue unhindered. "

A la 1984?

You remember how that book ended?

How about a hint as massive as a black hole? I mean a black hole is a singularity, so it is really quite small and thus no help at all, pin prick.

I mean fracking is all about going overseas and stealing their oil. The rare earth metals we want to BUY are in China. ... Let'see the American occupation of China in the last 30 years ....Hmmmm ... I know a lot about this subject.

Come to think of it I myself occ i ppied China many times. And I was told what to wear and where to be (& also not to donate blood). I was able to specify mode of travel on 2 occasions. Yup, I was an occupier!

You know how much recycling we do. It is so much that we want to strip mine Africa from coast to coast. Not to mention that we colonized Zimbabwe to be an agricultural plantation to feed Europe and North America.

I must admit that Qaddaffi did a lot of good Samaritan work in supporting Idi Amin and stealing the Azou strip from Chad. He should be nominated for a Nobel peace prize. Toyota Wars of the 1980s ring a bell?

" With no legal code or safeguards, the administration of revolutionary justice was largely arbitrary and resulted in widespread abuses and the suppression of civil liberties: the "Green Terror.""

Gadaffi was quite the civil libertarian. Heck he should manned the phone bank at the local crisis rape line. Why let the telephone be the "middle man"? He could have just counsel them after he had raped them. Maybe you are an expert on manufacturing assembly and could design a suite of rooms so this could work with production line efficiency.

A waiting room
a rape room
a recovery room
a counseling room

RRH said...

Qaddafi was no worse than those who worked to destroy Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

You "occupied China" the "way" you did because China fought for and won her independence. So, what they had to "wear" or indeed suffer to be peddled in their streets, wasn't your, or any other foreign devil's, decision.

Qaddafi helped Amin in Chad. Yep. He also tried to help him remain in power. When that failed, he gave Amin refuge until there was a falling out. It is funny though how we always get the middle of a story, not the beginning or the end (that doesn't suit the narrative anyway) from incoherent libertarianism. The "civil libertarian" English groomed and pushed Amin to power. After his defeat, your "civil libertarian" U.S./British allies, Saudi Arabia, gave him asylum and he lived in comfort for the rest of his days. Legally sanctioned rape is all the rage in Wahhabiland but Qaddafi got wacked, not the House of Said.

And your Wahhabi proxy hit men did it with their al Qaeda airforce.

But you know, Aizino, I never heard of al Qaddafi runnin cover for kids being raped. For that kind of filth you have to look closer to home. I didn't get to China but did get to Afghanistan. And even if he did, not that, or anything you mentioned brought on "We came. We saw. He died" ---I love your rule of law. It's so lawful.--- hope. It was pushing for African unity, building convention centres, hotels in Sirte and bringing African leaders to Libya to discuss other blasphemies like an African Army, gold backed dinar, and an African development bank which would replace the IMF and it's ball and chain structural adjustment programs. Horning in on your "civil libertarian" gangsta humanitarians' turf was the issue. Not rape. Not Chad. Not Egypt. Not Amin. Not over use of the Grecian Formula.

Africans I know loved Qaddafi. One reason was before Libya funded the satellite, they had to bay extortion rates to call their relatives abroad because the comms had to be routed through "civil libertarian" gangsta satellites. In other cases, they benefitted from Qaddafi irrigation initiatives, or hydro electric power. No have they forgotten Libya's support for the anti Apatheid struggle. Then again, why would I expect libertarians "civil" or otherwise, to care for any of that. People are subject to pass laws cuz that's they own fault or some other shit. Right? It's always some f'n bullshit covering up other f'n bullshit.

RRH said...

"Muslim" funding of Mosques preaching radicalism? Talk to your allies the Saudis about it Aizino and stop running cover for them with you tax dollars and sharp wit. most certainly the tongue does turn to the aching tooth. Most certainly.

A pattern here? Yes, and a black whole that sucks, history, the truth and all the light of coherent appraisal leaving a rump dimension of libertarian sight, sound and mind. A giant kaleidoscope of lies, ommissions, half truths and base principles producing the worst smut the world has seen since "Triumph of the Will". There's your Orwellian reference.

No extraction from Africa? Oh, Africom is is going door to door selling Girl Scout cookies I suppose. Not there at all protecting "western interests" against those predatory Chinese. As if profits from tracking at home means profits from extraction abroad suddenly are blasé.


The U.S. and friends are doin' for the righteous cause? Pursuing proper and true "national interests"? Oh, and my ABSOLUTE favourite, making mistakes tearing up coun tries and creating failed states like Libya?

Maybe they should open up a help line for suffering Africans, Arabs, Slavs and other " liberated" by their pursuit of "interests", " security" or "mistakes" (staffed by "competitively" waged Indians or Bangladeshis of course).

(Civilly libertarian muzak playing in the background. An appropriately civil instrumental of "Candle in the Wind", the Diana version of course)

"You have reached the morally superior national interest big mistake civil libertarian humanitarian Jim Crow rule of law hotline. All of our associates are taking calls right now. Please hold the line. Your call is important to us. You are caller two billion, eight hundred and eighty eight million. ...mmmmm mmm tu tuuu, but I was just a kid...mmm mmmm tuu tuu...Did you know the 3 billionth caller is eligible to have their name submitted for a Disneyworld family trip? The winner will receive an all expenses paid one day pass to Orlando Florida's Magic Kingdom where they will get to see a Black mouse talk like a White person (food and lodging not included. Lots submitted in the name refugee claimants, and those from the Zika virus country list will not be processed. Offer expires in the event of a Trump Presidency)!! Every childs dream is to visit Disneyworld; make your child's dream come true... Mmmm mmm mmm tuu tu goodbye England's rose....

RRH said...

Oh and, press 1 if you wish to book your child's flight through the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.