Sunday, February 21, 2016

Russia Not Cooperating With The U.S. On Afghanistan

Russia's President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Ufa, Russia, July 10, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS/BRICS/SCO PHOTOHOST/RIA NOVOSTI

New York Times: Russia Pulls Back From Cooperating With U.S. on Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — For all the conflicts in the world in which Washington is at odds with Moscow, the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan has been one area where the Obama administration’s interests and Russia’s concerns coincide.

Disputes over the wars in Ukraine and Syria had not stopped the governments from cooperating on counternarcotics and securing military supply lines. But after initial success on those fronts, Russia now seems to be disengaging with both the United States and the American-backed Afghan government.

On an old Cold War battlefield where Russia fought a nearly decade-long war against United States-supplied fighters, Moscow has a new strategy: the cold shoulder.

“We won’t join the useless events, and we’ve already told the Americans,” President Vladimir V. Putin’s envoy to Afghanistan, Zamir N. Kabulov, told Russian state news media this month. Russia, he said, would sit out any talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government in Kabul, backed by the United States, Pakistan and China.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is not a good development, especially in view of the Taliban gaining ground in their long war against the U.S. and its Afghan allies .... Afghan Military Abandons District in Helmand (Long War Journal)


RRH said...

“Honestly speaking, we’re already tired of joining anything Washington starts,” Mr. Kabulov said. The Kremlin, he added, “has no desire to participate in what the Americans organize ‘on the fly’ just for their own pre-election interests and where they give us the role of extras on the set.”


It appears the Russian liberal/"west"phile faction has suffered a major defeat. There is a real change in Russia's tone and actions that display a strong, and not without cause, frustration with the U.S. and her vassals/buddies. They've come to realize that all the "partners" rhetoric is just that; rhetoric. There's no deal making with a party that accepts nothing less than total capitulation.

What's more disconcerting is that the Kaganite Cookie Monster Club is bringing out the worst in not only Russia, but China too.

RRH said...

Speaking of cookies and people you can't talk to...

Ukraine, where "from bad to worse" is not just a colloqualism, it's a national alma mater.

War News Updates Editor said...

RRH ... you are ahead of the curve. I do not believe that another revolution will occur in Ukraine this year .... my relatives are telling me differently. The frustration and desperation is now widespread .... and the growing realization that the government is incapable of reform.

Unknown said...

"has no desire to participate in what the Americans organize ‘on the fly’ just for their own pre-election interests and where they give us the role of extras on the set.” - via RRH

Just like CEOs are accused of valuing short term results over long term growth, so to I think are politicians concerned with the moment and the ever present election.