Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, And Venezuela Agree To An Oil Output Freeze

Reuters: Saudis and Russia agree oil output freeze, Iran still an obstacle

Top oil exporters Russia and Saudi Arabia agreed on Tuesday to freeze output levels but said the deal was contingent on other producers joining in - a major sticking point with Iran absent from the talks and determined to raise production.

The Saudi, Russian, Qatari and Venezuelan oil ministers announced the proposal after a previously undisclosed meeting in Doha. It could become the first joint OPEC and non-OPEC deal in 15 years, aimed at tackling a growing oversupply of crude and helping prices recover from their lowest in over a decade.

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More News On Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, And Venezuela Agreeing To An Oil Output Freeze

Oil output freeze, who's in? -- Reuters
Oil Freeze: Iraq Ready to Cap Output, Iran to Maintain Share -- Bloomberg
Russia, Saudis Tentatively Offer to Freeze Oil Output Levels -- AP
Saudi Arabia, Russia agree to freeze oil output -- AFP
Four oil producing nations agree to freeze output -- BBC
Russia and 3 OPEC Members Agree to Freeze Oil Output -- NYT
Saudi Arabia, Russia agree to freeze oil output — if others do, too -- Washington Post
Saudi Arabia, Russia Lead 4-party Freeze on Oil Outputs -- VOA
Saudis, Russia, Others Agree to Freeze Oil Output at January Levels — Energy Journal -- WSJ
4 oil producers agree output freeze, Iran refuses -- CNBC
Russia and Saudi Arabia agree to freeze oil production output -- RT
Iraq ready to freeze oil output at January levels pending deal - source -- Reuters
Azerbaijan has no plans to freeze oil output: deputy oil minister -- Reuters
Potential oil output freeze can't stop oil's slide -- USA Today
Oil prices give up gains as hopes of a big deal fade -- CNN
Oil Retreats as Saudi, Russian Output Freeze Seen Leaving Glut -- Bloomberg
The Saudi-Russian Oil Output Freeze May Lay Foundation For Bigger Action -- Michael Lynch, Forbes

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