Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Russia's 'Internet Czar' Is Targeting America's Tech Giants

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Bloomberg: Putin's New Internet Czar Wants Apple and Google to Pay More Taxes

* We are breeding the cow and they are milking it': Klimenko
* Google's reach considered national security threat to Russia

When he’s not checking Gmail on his MacBook, Vladimir Putin’s new Internet czar can’t stop railing against American technology companies.

Google, Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp., collectively worth more than Russia’s gross domestic product, have all entered German Klimenko’s crosshairs since he was named Putin’s first Internet adviser six weeks ago.

In a 90-minute interview peppered with expletives, Klimenko said forcing Google and Apple to pay more taxes and banning Microsoft Windows from government computers are necessary measures best explained in terms of barnyard economics and marital infidelity.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:
Being one who is familiar with Russian web browsers, email, Russian search engines,  etc. .... the sad fact is that they are inferior and not up to par to what Apple/Google/etc. are offering. And while this new bureaucrat likes to praise what Russian companies are offering .... no one is buying it. The only position that he is pushing that makes sense are his concerns on Russian national security and why it may not be wise for Russian government institutions to use U.S. web programs and services .... but for the private Russian consumer .... my advice to him is to leave us alone.

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