Saturday, February 13, 2016

Saudi Arabia Has Deployed Troops And Fighter Jets To Turkey Ahead Of A Possible Ground Invasion of Syria

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (R) shakes hands with Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud during a luncheon ahead of the G-20 summit in Belek, Turkey, Nov. 14, 2015. (photo by REUTERS/Kayhan Ozer)

The Independent: Saudi Arabia sends troops and fighter jets to military base in Turkey ahead of intervention against Isis in Syria

Saudi officials have stated that they want to fight Isis and see President Bashar al-Assad removed.

Saudi Arabia is sending troops and fighter jets to Turkey's Incirlik military base ahead of a possible ground invasion of Syria.

The Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, confirmed the deployment in a statement to the Yeni Şafak newspaper on Saturday, days before a temporary ceasefire is due to come into force.

“Saudi Arabia declared its determination against Daesh (the Arabic term for Isis) by saying that they were ready to send both jets and troops,” he said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Russia has been warning about this for the past two weeks .... and it looks like they were right. What's my take ... when I read that the U.S. was "green lighting" such a mission .... U.S. Arab allies pledge ground troops to battle Islamic State (Washington Post) .... I said to myself that if Turkey and Saudi Arabia do enter Syria with ground forces .... this would then change everything. Sighhh .... from my vantage point it looks like such a joint Turkey-Saudi operation is going to happen.

More News On Reports That Saudi Arabia Has Deployed Troops And Fighter Jets To Turkey Ahead Of A Possible Ground Invasion of Syria

Saudi Arabia and Turkey may send ground troops to Syria -- AFP
Saudi Arabia to send planes to Turkey for Islamic State fight: media -- Reuters
Turkish Media Say Saudi Arabia, Turkey May Strike in Syria -- AP
Turkey, Saudi Arabia could launch 'ground operation' against Islamic State in Syria, Foreign Minister says -- ABC News (Australia)
Reports: Turkey, Saudi Arabia Mulling Ground Operations Against IS In Syria -- RFE
Ankara: Turkey, Saudi Arabia 'could send ground troops to Syria' -- DW
Saudi Arabia will send fighter jets to Turkish base in preparation for anti-ISIS bombing campaign as the conflict threatens to escalate in the region -- Daily Mail
Saudi Arabia deploys fighter jets to Turkish air base -- Financial Times
Turkey says ready to join anti-ISIL ground operation with Saudi Arabia in Syria -- Today's Zaman
Assad warns about risks of Saudi and Turkish intervention into Syria -- TASS
Assad says sees risk of Turkey, Saudi Arabia invading Syria -- RT
Saudi Arabia turns to Turkey -- Al-Monitor


James said...

Well, Well, looks like some people in high positions are having a little difficulty with situational and objective judgement.

Bob Huntley said...

Someone should re-run the videos for Turkey and Saudi Arabia of the Russian Cruise missiles that were launched from far away and hit their targets. The Saudi family might not feel so safe playing this game.

James said...

Russian intelligence has detected large formations of camels and ancient low round footstools along the Turkish border. T E Lawrence was unavailable for comment, but was credited with this warning "Watch out for Turkish officers with canes". The US reacting to the situation has called for a peace conference, but encountered difficulties in finding a Swiss town not already occupied by peace talks. Not to be outdone they have though proposed bombing Zanzibar.
Update:2 Father Guido Sarducci has offered his services for mediation of a Syrian cease fire as soon he wraps his relic buying tour of Mexico. He has proposed the talks to occur in Rome as he has pointed out "They have a lot of nice paintings there for press backdrops".
Update:3 Father Guido has withdrawn his offer. Unable to get a menu to the "Last Supper" he is in final negotiations for the tab to the "Last Brunch".

War News Updates Editor said...

Father Guido Sarducci is still alive?

James said...

"Father Guido Sarducci is still alive?"
As a matter of fact yes? He's doing quite well with a franchise chain of clerical clothing/chinese take out stores in Albania.
To answer your unspoken question, no, unfortunately they don't sell shorts.

RRH said...

Time to cut the crap and bring the Canadians home. The nutbar multiplier in that neighbourhood has just doubled.

Posters on here and the Editor at Moon of Alabama have brought up the "coalition" goal of taking Raqqa before the SAA. This will then make the establisment of an Arab Sunnistan parked right in/between Syria and Iraq. It will also act as a spoiler for tge establishment of a Kurdish state in area. I'm leaning toward this position too.

Is Erdogan nuts enough to try it? After his su 24 stunt, I'd put nothing past the man. Are the Saudis stupid enough to do it. Hell ya.

It appears they are conspiring to pull a stunt and present the U.S. with a fait accompli. If it goes down, Washington will play coy ("all invlved should show restraint, oh, we'd prefer a peaceful settlement, oh we understand the concerns in Riyahd and Ankara" etc and so on blah blah blah) while shoveling in the materiel and other support, with loud pronouncements about "Russian aggression" and "Assad's crimes", "humanitarian disaster" from the government, media, NGO stooges, and toady "allies".

It would not be a surprise if we see a flare up in the Ukraine at the same time. Libya showed that the U.S., far from being "confused", has developed a very intricate strategy of war using state/non state proxies, social media, NGOs, heavily influenced "international" bodies and selective direct military intervention. Maybe we could call it the Quarterback Doctrine or something?

Anonymous said...

I truly believe if Saudi Arabia 'goes for it' and invades Syria, along with Turkey, both countries will go down the gutter. I personally feel they will undergo internal strife which could ultimately topple both regimes. The Kurds and Shiites in both nations will retaliate and Revolution will be possible. This is a very dangerous call that can have huge implications for the world.

Bob Huntley said...

Anonymous said...

Viva Turkey y Saudi Arabia against all force of evil.

RRH said...

I agree, but the problem with megalomaniacs like Erdogan and the House of Saud is they don't see their vulnerabilities in the same light as rational onlookers. Like Hitler, they believe they'll be able to bully, swindle, and out fox their opponents til the cows come home.

Anonymous said...

RRH said...

Yes, it does appear they are fighting against themselves when they roll the dice this way.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Is show time let get some popcorn ready and wipe out clean the 3D glass
This people Acts like from the seventh century let's make sure that they go back there .so they can cut off as many head's they want . in my opinion Saudi Arabia and Turkey are going to get they ASS kick.

Stephen Davenport said...

Lots of people over estimating the Russkies yet again. The Russians have done all they can do in Syria. Their thinning military is stretched to the max with troops in the Ukraine, Syria, Dagestan, Chechnya, Georgia, Far East. They just do not have the forces to do much of anything. If Turkey and other border countries of Syria get fully involved the Russians will probably get out of there. IMO.

Jay Farquharson said...

Warning, graphic video of Ansruallah fighters casually walking into a Saudi Guard Forward Operating Base and killing the Saudi National Guard.