Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Syrian Kurds Have U.S. Javelin Missiles

RT: Syrian YPG allegedly uses US high-tech anti-tank missile to blow up ISIS truck (VIDEO)

Pictures have emerged on social media which appear to show Syrian Kurds with an advanced US-produced anti-tank missile. A video allegedly shows a rocket blowing up an Islamic State truck. Washington has denied “providing the YPG with weapons.”

If the video, believed to have been filmed near the Syrian town of Shaddadi, is authenticated it would show that Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) forces have been given an upgrade in technology.

The footage shows a truck allegedly belonging to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) on the receiving end of a direct hit from the missile.

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WNU editor: A picture has been tweeted of the weapon used (see below). I suspect that the Turks are now deeply concerned on where all of this is heading.


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Looks like a Javelin.

fazman said...

What a waste they couldnt find a better target lol

Jay Farquharson said...

If you notice the modified bed, the semi-armoured cab, and the long "afterburn", it was probably a VBIED.

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree Jay. it definitely looks like a VBIED