Monday, February 22, 2016

Syrian Rebels Are Not Comfortable With The U.S. - Russian Truce Plan

Smoke billows from Aleppo's thermal power station on February 21, 2016 after government troops retake the area (AFP Photo/George Ourfalian)

Reuters: Syrian rebels see flaws in U.S.-Russian truce plan

The United States and Russia announced plans for a 'cessation of hostilities' in Syria that would take effect on Saturday but exclude groups such as Islamic State and al Qaeda's Nusra Front, a loophole that Syrian rebels immediately highlighted as a problem.

Monday's agreement, described by a U.N. spokesman as "a first step towards a more durable ceasefire", is the fruit of intensive diplomacy between Washington and Moscow, which back opposing sides in the five-year-old civil war that has killed more than a quarter of a million people.

Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin discussed the accord by phone, and the Kremlin leader said it could "radically transform the crisis situation in Syria". The White House said it could help advance talks on bringing about political change in Syria.

To succeed, the deal will require both countries to persuade their allies on the ground to comply.

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WNU Editor: I am sure there are many flaws in this U.S. - Russian truce plan .... but what is the alternative? For these rebel groups .... facing al Nusra/Islamic State on one side and the Syrian/Russian/Hezbollah/Iranian coalition on the other .... the choices are limited.

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