Saturday, February 27, 2016

The White House, Congress, And Tthe Pentagon Agree To Modernize And Maintain America's Nuclear Arsenal

The Hill: On Nuclear Weapons, Hill Shows Bipartisan Support

WASHINGTON — The government is preparing to spend upwards of $350 billion over the next ten years to modernize and maintain America’s nuclear arsenal, at a time when the Pentagon is openly stating a need to save money.

But while partisan divides run deep in 2016, Republicans and Democrats on the Hill, as well as the administration and Pentagon leadership, seem able to find common ground in support for a strong nuclear deterrent, regardless of the price tag that accompanies it.

That was apparent in a pair of recent budget hearings, when the members of Congress were downright friendly with the witnesses before them – a strong cry from the type of reception Secretary of Defense Ash Carter or the Joint Chiefs tend to receive when discussing their budget requests.

Read more ....

Update #1: US Nuclear Weapons: Amid Threats From Russia, China, North Korea, $450B Modernization Program Pushed (IBTimes)
Update #2: Obama’s Russian Rationale for $1 Trillion Nuke Plan Signals New Arms Race (Alex Emmons, The Intercept)
Update #3: U.S. test-fires ICBMs to stress its power to Russia, North Korea (Reuters)

WNU Editor: The dollar amounts reported by the media are different .... but the direction is clear .... the U.S. is modernizing its nuclear force. And then there is missile defense .... U.S. officials, touring missile defense site, voice concern about North Korea (Reuters).

Update #4: Nuke chief: running out of time to begin updating nukes (AP)

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