Thursday, February 18, 2016

Turkey Permits Passage For Hundreds of `Rebels`To Enter Syria

Screen grab of a bus carrying rebels from Turkey to Syria. RUDAW

The Guardian/AFP: Hundreds of armed rebels cross from Turkey into Syria, says monitor

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports 500 insurgents and Islamist fighters headed for town of Azaz where anti-Assad forces have lost ground

At least 500 rebels on Wednesday crossed the Turkish border, a monitor said, and headed for the Syrian town of Azaz in northern Aleppo province where opposition forces have suffered setbacks at the hands of Kurdish fighters.

“At least 500 rebels have crossed the Bab al-Salam border crossing on their way to the town of Azaz, from which they want to help the insurgents in the face of gains made by Kurdish forces in the north of the province,” the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel, told Agence France-Presse.

They included rebels as well as Islamist fighters, all of them armed, he said.

Almost 350 rebels were also reported to have passed through the Atme border crossing on 14 February armed with heavy and light weapons.

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WNU Editor: The Turks are not even hiding their support for Islamic fighters any-more. There are now growing fears of a direct Turkey-Russian clash ... A Direct Turkey-Russia Clash Is Growing Risk on Syria Border (Bloomberg).

More News On Turkey Permitting Passage For Hundreds of `Rebels`To Enter Syria

Syrian rebels say reinforcements get free passage via Turkey -- Reuters
Reports: Syrian rebels cross into northern Aleppo from Turkey -- Rudaw
Pro-gov’t daily claims 500 rebels crossed into Syria through Turkey to fight against YPG -- Today`s Zaman

Update: Dozens of Turkish military vehicles cross Syria border, dig trenches – report (RT)


Anonymous said...

Islamic fighters not ISIS. What is your surprise?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what kind of Fighters they are or what religion group as long as they're going after Assad regime.

RRH said...


They'll all die the same.