Saturday, February 27, 2016

Turkey's War Against The Kurds Is Devastating A Major City

Business Insider: A major Turkish city is turning into a war zone

Turkey has struggled with the consequences of the destructive civil war in neighbouring Syria. Now, the Turkish army is shelling the ancient center of one of the country’s major cities, partially as a result of how the Syria conflict has impacted Turkey’s long-running Kurdish insurgency.

Ankara’s stance against the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has put it at odds with both Iran and Russia.

Moreover, the Russian intervention in Syria brought Turkey and Russia to the brink of open conflict this past November when Turkey shot down a Russian plane that had allegedly strayed into the country’s airspace.

But the Syria conflict’s real danger to Turkey is playing out within its own borders, particularly in a city of nearly 1 million people on the banks of the Tigris River in Turkey’s southeast.

Read more ....

WNU Editor
: The world media is focused on the wars in iraq and Syria, but Turkey's war against its Turkish population is becoming just as bad.


Young Communist said...

Of course massacre against kurds in Turkey don't reach our mass media.

Here one site about kurds.

Anonymous said...

With Turkey about to become more embroiled in Syria, internal revolution is becoming more and more realistic. The Turks will not have the ability to fight the many opposing forces, especially those fomented by Russia. Erdogan's days are truly numbered from here on in. One last point, many Turks despise Erdogan as well and want him out ASAP.

Unknown said...

Young Communist,

If people watch ESPN, they don't want to hear about the Kurds.

They are of the opinion that

a) They have been fighting forever, so we can't solve it

b) War fatigue that has been promoted since 2001 by the Left

c) If we do try to do the right thing we will be hamstrung like in Somalia and the troops will be left to suffer.

The last 2 are memes extensively promoted by the Left and their press arms.

People know they can get sports news from a sports site, financial news for a site like Bloomberg, etc. They know the specialized news sites.

If they do not want to read it I say again it is from learned helplessness. It was learned mostly from the Left.

That and people are struggling because the Left is ruining the economy.

RRH said...

The liberal left and the right have more in common over here than they don't.

They are just as apt to bang the R2P drum (as on Libya) and have howled up and down for no fly and safe zone in Syria. The left and right disagrrements are mainly over gun laws, abortion, pot legalization, transgender/gay rights and a whole pile of oher social/identity politics. This stuff takes up debate space because, by and large, the population is heavily bourgeoisified (leading to brain ossified).

On the economy, the "left" isn't even anti free trade anymore. They are every bit as neoliberal as the right not to mention every bit as apt to make a big deal out of chickenshit "issues".

Con-munists on this side of the ocean have zero impact other than adding to the confusion. In fact, most are revisionists/Trots who troll the internet blathering about "queer politics", union labour aristocrats, the NDP/Democrats/Labour/Syriza, and how their welfare benefits keep getting cut. Con-munists talk Marx while $#'^-talking every real revolutionary project this earth has seen, except, maybe, Carribean vacations are fun.

There are no Lenins, Stalins, Molotovs, Maos, En Lais, Gramscis, let alone Guevaras, Nkruhmas, Mandelas, Sankaras, or Bucks over here. No discipline (let alone in many cases, personal hygeine). Some say "thank God" for that. I say give it time, the Grandkids are still little and the adults aren't finished screwing things up enough to bring on a revolution...but "left" or right, we're on it.

You want to read a good critique on the "left" over here YC? Head over to Moon of Alabama blog and read "Syria, the feckless left". When you're finished there, watch historian Michael Parenti deliver a speech about the fall of communism. You can search it on youtube.

Don Bacon said...

Just so Erdogan doesn't use barrel bombs it's okay. He's 'one of us.'

Unknown said...

"The left and right disagreements are mainly over gun laws, abortion, pot legalization, transgender/gay rights and a whole pile of over social/identity politics. " -RRH

Not true. Let gays marry. It will cause changes. But some of those changes were happening anyway due t economic forces. Gay marriage is not a problem

If you earn the money, you should keep the money.
Then there is freedom of association.

The end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell made us stronger. Gays can't be blackmailed like 30 or 50 years ago.

That does not mean they are fully accepted or that people want to be on the same health plan as them. It also does not mean that they want to teach "Heather has Two Mommies" in the schools. Tolerance is not acceptance. To force acceptance would be to violate other people's freedom of association.

I can see the whole gay thing dying out in 3 generations of its own accord.

If you abort, you damage your own future. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Abortions should not be publicly funded. If a 25 year old feminist wants to get an abortion because it is convenient, she is hurting herself, but I am not going to restrain her to prevent it. Her poor choice is its own reward. Again she should not pick my pocket. Her elective abortion is not a public good.

the objective voice said...

Right wingers, they want small government or no government except when it comes to individual choices like abortion or gays, then they want the government to be huge and to be right in the middle of it. Its hypocrisy. War fatigue doesn't come from the "left", it comes from a war of choice in Iraq, followed by complete mismanagement (which came directly from the right). Also, not finishing the war in Afghanistan and shifting resources to Iraq (because the right believes it is sitting on our oil) continues to add to the fatigue. You can't bomb your way to peace. War is a necessary last choice, not the first option.

By the way, their is a law that prevents federal funding od abortions. You are paying any thing, but you won't hear that on your right wing media (Fox).

Call a spade a spade. Right wingers don't want pay any taxes. Every dollar they earn they believe they should keep, regardless of what society/government has done to make it possible. It's just the sickness of greed. The hyper focus on poor people receiving government aid, whether you think it legitimate or not, it's a very small part of the governmental expenditure and is an excuse for this political philosophy/greed. Who builds those bridges, roads, ports, airports? Provides fire and police. Keeps your kids from being poisoned? Funds most of the research that produces the techical and medical advances we take for granted? Makes sure other countries don't bomb us? So pay your taxes and respect other people's choices in the way they live their lives. Tolerance is the least we can do, our Constitution is based on exceptance. If majority rules, hope you don't mind speaking Spanish as our national language in 50 years. Heads up, the top states that receive the most money from the federal government are red states. The majority of states that pay more to the federal government than they receive back are blue states. Another uncomfortable fact you won't hear on Fox news.