Thursday, February 25, 2016

U.S. Navy Considering Alternative Aircraft Carrier Configurations

The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) transits alongside the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force Murasame-class destroyer JDS Samidare (DD 106) on Feb. 22, 2016, in the Philippine Sea. Providing a ready force supporting security and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, Stennis is operating as part of the Great Green Fleet on a regularly scheduled 7th Fleet deployment. (Photo by Ryan J. Batchelder/U.S. Navy)

Scout: Special: The Future of Aircraft Carriers

The Navy is preparing to accept delivery of the new USS Gerald R. Ford later this year

The Navy may consider alternative aircraft carrier configurations in coming years as it prepares for its new high-tech, next-generation carrier to become operational later this year, service officials have said.

The USS Gerald R. Ford is the first is a series of new Ford-class carriers designed with a host of emerging technologies to address anticipated future threats and bring the power-projecting platform into the next century.

Once its delivered, the new carrier will go through “shock trials” wherein its stability is testing in a variety of maritime conditions; the ship will also go through a pre-deployment process known as “post-shakedown availability” designed to further prepare the ship for deployment.

Read more ....

Update: U.S. Navy Eyes Alternatives to Super Carriers (DoD Buzz).

WNU Editor: I guess there is a growing realization that the era of the super aircraft carrier may be coming to an end .... US aircraft carriers are no longer the ultimate deterrent because China, Iran and Russia can easily attack them with new technology (Daily Mail).


Don Bacon said...

It's simple--aircraft carriers supplanted battleships because planes fly further off carriers than guns shoot, and now (especially)shore- and ship-based missile batteries have supplanted carriers because missiles fly further than planes fly. But the US Navy won't admit this simple truth.

phill said...


A carrier part of a battle group you aren't just fighting a carrier.

The US navy has invested in rail gun and laser technologies that will preserve America's naval dominance