Thursday, February 25, 2016

US Sec. Of State Kerry: Up to 30,000 Troops Would Be Needed For Northern Syria Safe Zone

Secretary of State John Kerry testifies before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing Feb. 23, 2016. PHOTO: REUTERS/YURI GRIPAS

ABC News: Up to 30,000 Troops Needed for Syria Safe Zone, Kerry Says

Secretary of State John Kerry said it would take 15,000 to 30,000 ground troops to maintain a so called “safe zone” inside northern Syria, citing previously unheard estimates provided by the Pentagon.

“Now are we ready to authorize that?” Kerry asked a Senate panel today.

Although a ceasefire is planned for this coming Saturday, there are growing calls within Washington for a so-called "Plan-B": options for military action if the truce fails. Many Republicans, including Donald Trump, are calling for a "safe zone" in northern Syria to protect the increasing number of displaced people.

Read more ....

Update: Kerry: 30,000 soldiers needed to establish safe zone in Syria (Al Bawaba)

WNU Editor: This is the first time that I am hearing of this number. Will such a number be deployed if all else fails .... I doubt it .... everyone knows that such a "safe zone" would be anything but safe.


jimbrown said...

As long as it's 3x Russian deployment numbers, we're good to go.

jimbrown said...

As long as it's 3x Russian deployment numbers, we're good to go.

Unknown said...

I am wondering what anyone else thinks about this, please chime in with ideas. Does anyone really think that the US has a 'plan-B' for Syria? If so could it actually be for Turkey to intervene? I only bring that back up because tensions haven't decreased, the Turks are still saying that this ceasefire threatens their national interests, and the US while not openly supporting a Turkish military move did veto the Russian resolution in the UNSC that would've made a Turkish move internationally illegal. Any thoughts?

Jay Farquharson said...

The US Plan D, ( yup, they are on Plan D by now), is to:

- Pay lip service to the Cession of Hostilities, while continually "blaming" the R+6 for false violations of the agreement,

- continue to arm, pay and train the jihadi's,

- continue to try to rebrand Ansar al Sharm and al Nusra, ( al Quida in Syria) as "moderate opposition",

- continue to try to build a R2P Coelition willing to "impose", in violation of International Law and the UN Charter, "safe zones" and "no fly zones" in Syria.

It will fail, as even the US MSM is starting to notice the absence of "moderates", and the failures in Syria and Yemen. The US Public, will not allow the US to rebrand Bin Laden's murderous crew as "moderates" worthy of US support.

And last but not least, the "Coalition of the Willing", will not set one foot or fly one metre into Syria, with out a large, official US Military speartip to hidd behind, and the US ain't going to do that.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the insight Jay.