Sunday, February 21, 2016

Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of 470,000 Syrians?

President Obama and Chancellor Merkel during their press conference in the Chancellery. Photo: Bundesregierung/Denzel

Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz: Obama and Merkel Should Hang Their Heads in Shame as Syrian Tragedy Enters Sixth Year

While Western leaders are not criminally responsible for the deaths of 470,000 Syrians, it has happened on their watch and to a large degree through their inaction.

In June 2009, writer Elie Wiesel visited the site of the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany, along with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama. Sixty-four years earlier, he had been liberated there by the American Army, only a few weeks after his father was murdered. Buchenwald was, according to Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg, the first place where survivors erected a sign saying “Never Again.”

In his speech in Buchenwald, Wiesel said that at the time of liberation, “Paradoxically, I was so hopeful then. Many of us were, although we had the right to give up on humanity, to give up on culture, to give up on education, to give up on the possibility of living one’s life with dignity in a world that has no place for dignity. We rejected that possibility and we said, no, we must continue believing in a future, because the world has learned. But again, the world hasn’t. Had the world learned, there would have been no Cambodia and no Rwanda and no Darfur and no Bosnia.”

Read more ....

WNU editor: A few years ago I posted a commentary that made the prediction that the Syrian war would be the first major war chronicled and exposed on YouTube. That prediction has proven itself to be spectacular accurate. Everyone knows what is happening in Syria, and while different factions and media outlets have their own spin, all the information is there .... and for all sides. And while it is probably easy to blame leaders like Obama and Merkel for this carnage .... truth be told .... there is more than enough blame to spread around. But it should also be pointed out that Western leaders do respond to public pressure, and for as long as this war has been raging, public support for a Western military intervention has been luke-warm at best .... even though everyone knows what is happening.


Bob Huntley said...

"Even though" or because everyone knows what is happening tying this with other warring events in the past 20 years and won't be sucked in as easily as before?

Anonymous said...

Dont be an idiot, dont insult the I.Q of the people that have one.

The blame is with Assad, than Iran&Hezbolah and finally Russia. All this parties committed war crimes like Amn Int reported today, blaming Russia. Lets see what you say about that report...

obs: like the blame on Iraq is on the US. But you dont have independence to report/comment the truth. Next day Kadirov via Putin have your head for bounty lol