Friday, March 11, 2016

A Former U.S. Nuclear Negotiator On North Korea Shares His Thoughts

Keegan Hamilton, VICE News: North Korea Is 'One Pandemic Away From Collapse' Says Former US Nuclear Negotiator

North Korea launched a pair of short-range ballistic missiles into the sea on Thursday, defying UN Security Council resolutions and threatening South Korea for hosting joint military drills with the United States, which Pyongyang believes are a dress rehearsal for an invasion. The latest launch follows North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January, a long-range rocket launch in February, and the recent publication of photos that purportedly showed young leader Kim Jong-un posing with a nuclear warhead.

Given the uneasy state of affairs on the Korean peninsula, it's easy to forget that barely a decade ago, Pyongyang agreed to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons altogether. In September 2015, as part of the Six Party Talks with the US, Russia, China, South Korea, and Japan, North Korea reached an agreement to denuclearize in exchange for fuel aid and other incentives.

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WNU Editor: Victor Cha has been out of the loop for the past few years, but his analysis on North Korea matches what my Chinese and South Korean friends have been saying to me for the past few years.

1 comment:

Young Communist said...

Good analysis.

Except for the pandemic part.