Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Summary On What Five Years of War Have Done To Syria

A girl, with her father in a wheelchair, asks for help to pay a medical bill from passers-by, in Douma, Syria, on Feb. 3, 2016. PHOTO: REUTERS

The Guardian: Five years of war in Syria: what happened and where we are now

Syria has imploded since pro-democracy protests shook the regime of Bashar al-Assad in March 2011. A brutal and complex war fuelled by sectarian, political and international divisions has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created millions of refugees

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WNU Editor: I originally thought the war would end within a year or two .... I expected Assad to be replaced with a new coalition government, and that the healing would begin. But I also predicted that if the war was to continue after two years .... the death toll would be hundreds of thousands (easily surpassing the toll from Lebanon's civil wars), and that the country would fracture along sectarian lines. Sadly .... my worst case prediction is today's reality.

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