Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Advisers To U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio Are Urging Him To Get Out Of The Republican Race

CNN: Some Rubio advisers say get out before Florida

Washington (CNN)A battle is being waged within Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's campaign about whether he should even remain in the Republican presidential race ahead of his home state primary on March 15, sources say.

Rubio himself is "bullish" on his odds of winning the critical primary, despite some advisers who are less hopeful and believe a loss there would damage him politically in both the short- and long-term.

Publicly, the campaign is maintaining they are still a contender in this race, touting a Sunday win in Puerto Rico's primary that delivered Rubio 23 delegates. But privately, the campaign is having a debate about whether he should remain in the mix -- even for his home state of Florida's primary.

"He doesn't want to get killed in his home state," one source familiar with the discussions said, noting "a poor showing would be a risk and hurt his political future."

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WNU Editor: His advisers are correct. There is no appetite among the Republican electorate to elect someone like Senator Rubio for the Republican presidential nomination .... definitely not in this election cycle. A loss in Florida would damage him politically, and in view of the fact that there is no clear path for him to the nomination, the time for him to leave is probably now. My prediction .... he will make up his mind in the next few days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will not vote for Rubio in the primary.

That said a loss will not tarnish him in my eyes.

The only thing that does is the 8 Gangster bill that he was party of.

I could support amnesty of the southern border was to have crossing decreased from 300,000 per year to 30,000 per year. If the 40% visa over-stayers were rounded up. If e-verify were enforced everywhere.

An amnesty bill would be a repeat. All I am asking for is no 3-peat. Jeb came out and told us there would be a 3-peat and a 4-peat and the Republican base be damned. Jeb does not have what it takes. But I would be willing to give Rubio another shot in 4 or 8 years. But not if he is one of the 8 gangsters.

I am the child of an immigrant and the spouse of one, But they were "LEGAL" immigrants.

I could support amnesty but when some lame ass like Janet Napalitano throws up her hands and declares a border fence is too costly or not feasible, well we can have fun at the polls ...

Other than effing us over, Janet Napolitano has led a in consequential life.
She will reap that emptiness that she sowed. We just have to sit back and eat the popcorn.