Saturday, March 12, 2016

Can We Have Peace In The Middle East?

Kevin Sullivan, Real Clear World: Is Cold Peace Possible in the Middle East?

Saudi Arabia's recent decision to suspend billions in military aid to Lebanon has put the tiny Mediterranean nation on the edge of economic crisis, and has also left more than a few Saudi watchers scratching their heads. Why, if it is so intent on maintaining its foothold across the Middle East, would the Saudis seemingly surrender Lebanon to Iran?

Lebanon's Sunni-backed Future Movement has historically enjoyed strong ties with the Saudi monarchy, but the Lebanese government's recent failure to unequivocally condemn the January attack on Saudi Arabia's embassy in Tehran rubbed the Saudi royals the wrong way, prompting it to take more punitive steps against Beirut. Hezbollah, the Iran proxy-cum-political party that maintains a significant grip on Lebanon's fractious confessional government, enjoys sizeable support from the country's Shiite community, much to Riyadh's chagrin.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A "Cold Peace" sounds great when compared to what is happening throughout the Middle East right now .... but I doubt that it is feasible. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia .... with their proxies .... are engaged in a fight to the finish. Peace is the last thing on their minds right now.


Unknown said...

Only after a few dozen cities are turned to glass unfortunately

Anonymous said...

With race and religion no peace...