Friday, March 11, 2016

Europe Prepares Sanctions Against Libya

The sanctions could target figures such as Khalifa al-Ghweil (centre) of the Tripoli-based general national congress, a rival to the internationally recognised Tobruk administration. Photograph: Stringer/AFP/Getty Images

Reuters: Europe moves closer to imposing Libya sanctions: diplomats

European Union foreign ministers are considering sanctions on three Libyans they see as blocking efforts by the United Nations to form a government of national unity and may go ahead even if a government is agreed, diplomats said.

Strongly backed by France, the travel bans and asset freezes will be discussed by ministers on Monday at a lunch in Brussels. UN special envoy for Libya Martin Kobler will also attend, although he is not arguing in favor or against sanctions, diplomats told Reuters.

The three under the threat of sanctions are Nouri Abusahmain, the head of Libya's General National Congress in Tripoli, one of two rival parliaments, Khalifa al-Ghwell, who heads one of Libya's two rival governments, and Aguila Saleh, the president of Libya's internationally recognized parliament in Tobruk.

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More News On European Plans To Impose Sanctions On Libya

EU Diplomats Say Bloc Eyes Possible Libya Sanctions -- AP
France to propose EU sanctions against Libyan officials: FM -- AFP
France: threat of EU sanctions will help Libya form government -- DW
France pushes for EU sanctions to break Libya government logjam -- The Guardian

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