Friday, March 11, 2016

Is Now The Time To Declare War Against North Korea?

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un meets his nation's nuclear scientists in an undated photo released Wednesday by the official North Korean news agency.

Mark Thompson, Time: Is It Time to Attack North Korea?

Pyongyang’s claim that it has shrunk a nuclear warhead brings it one step closer to striking the U.S.

North Korea has been saying for years that it is striving to build a nuclear-tipped missile capable of attacking the U.S. It took a giant step toward that prize Wednesday when its official news agency asserted the nation’s scientists had miniaturized an atomic warhead capable of riding atop a Pacific-spanning rocket.

North Korean media showed leader Kim Jong-un standing before a beach ball-sized silver sphere purportedly representing a shrunken warhead. South Korea declared North Korea’s claim an “intolerable direct challenge” to the world.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A "war of choice" is not going to happen .... no one wants such a conflict, especially President Obama.


Young Communist said...

This not-a-bit-communist regime need to go down, but in a cultural manner. And it take years.

In Italy we say "Dog that bark don't bite" (Cane che abbaia non morde)
and NK is not in a position to bite (if they would survive).

Note that this threat is pushed with the rise tension on South China Sea.
But Kim is not the right monster to blame for a major conflict for the next U.S. administration.

Unknown said...

This typical communist regime progression needs to go down either through a quick decaptitation and fait acccompli or retaliating after they start a war.

they already started 1 war with the blessing of Russian & COMMUNIST China.

What more needs to be said about communism.

fazman said...

Clinton almost did the job, even russia agrees start using the word and bluff premptive and it will be the north on the receiving end of a legitamite premptive strike.
Hindsites a wonderful thing. He should have been dealt with decade ago.