Saturday, March 12, 2016

Is There A U.S. - Saudi Plan To Drive Down The Price of Oil To Destabilize Russia And Iran? And Has It Backfired?

Nick Giambruno, International Man: The Coming Collapse of Saudi Arabia

They met in secret to plan a devastating attack…

Two powerful men, colluding at a palace in the Middle East.

In September 2014, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Saudi Arabia. He was there to meet with King Abdullah, the country’s ruler and one of the richest men in the world.

Informed observers say Kerry and Abdullah drew up a plan at this meeting to destroy their common enemies: Russia and Iran.

To carry out the attack, they wouldn’t use fighter jets, tanks and ground troops. They would use a much more powerful weapon…


Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have never been impressed with US Sec. of State John Kerry's strategic thinking on international issues. And while this theory of a U.S. - Saudi secret agreement to drive down the price of oil to destabilize Iran and Russia is interesting .... I am sceptical that they are this dumb to not only plan it .... but to implement it. Russia and Iran know what hardship is .... and they are not afraid to implement economic pain on their population because they know that their citizens will fall in line. But if Saudi Arabia was to implement austerity measures on their population .... I am wiling to bet that they will be facing a lot of unrest.

Hat Tip: Zero Hedge

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Supposedly, Saudi Arabia and the U.S> implemented this plan in the 1980s.

So it would take an average bloke, who thinks they are all that, to dust it off and fool themselves that they can replay it in exactly the same way.

I think WNU is correct in that the Russians and Iranians can absorb the pain better.