Friday, March 11, 2016

Is U.S. Air Supremacy About To End

Air Force F-35s fly in formation over Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Photo: Air Force

Peter Layton, National Interest: America’s Air Supremacy Is Fading Fast

American air supremacy is in a bear market of long-term decline with no end in sight. The RAND Corporation recently determined: “continuous improvements to Chinese air capabilities make it increasingly difficult for the United States to achieve air superiority within a politically and operationally effective time frame. . . .” These improvements are part of the reason the Center for Strategic and International Studies considers that: “ at the current rate of U.S. capability development, the balance of military power in the [Asia-Pacific] region is shifting against the United States.”

Worse, with Russia resurgent, American air supremacy is also declining in Europe. General Frank Gorenc, USAFE Commander notes:

"The advantage that we had from the air, I can honestly say, is shrinking. . . . This is not just a Pacific problem. It’s as significant in Europe as it is anywhere else on the planet . . . . I don't think it's controversial to say they've closed the gap in capability."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If the F-35 does not perform as promised .... yes .... U.S. air supremacy faces the risk of ending.

1 comment:

Stephen Davenport said...

No its not, second to none, that's a fact not an opinion. It will last for a long time.